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Nicholson Should Cut Ties With Roy Moore Funder, Return Money PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Wednesday, 29 November 2017 18:12

richard-uihleinRoy Moore backer Dick Uihlein has bankrolled Kevin Nicholson's campaign and outside groups with more than $15 million; and Uihlein-funded Club for Growth has brought in more than 28% of Nicholson's fundraising to-date.

MADISON -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin today called on GOP Senate candidate and out-of-state billionaire puppet Kevin Nicholson to immediately cut ties with and reject the financial backing of his most prolific megadonor, Illinois billionaire Dick Uihlein, who has poured millions into supporting Nicholson's campaign and funding the numerous out-of-state special interest groups boosting his candidacy, while also secretly funding bigot and alleged sexual predator Roy Moore's Senate run in Alabama.

roy-mooreMoore stands accused of sexual assault and harassment by numerous, credible women who have bravely come forward to say that Moore pursued relationships with them when he was an adult and they were in their young teens. The allegations against Moore are so damning that twenty-five Republican Senators have now disavowed Moore's candidacy. Nevertheless, Uihlein has continued to support and finance Moore's super PAC, while Nicholson continues to tout Uihlein’s support and “friendship” on the campaign trail.

Uihlein has to-date funded at least seven Nicholson-supporting organizations with $15 million, and he is the sole funder of Solutions for Wisconsin, a pro-Nicholson super PAC to which Uihlein has to-date donated at least $3.5 million. Just yesterday, it was announced that two key Nicholson campaign aides are transitioning to the Uihlein-funded Solutions for Wisconsin.

Nicholson, for his part, continues to praise Uihlein on the campaign trail. Earlier this month, he called Uihlein and Uihlein-funded corporate special interest group Club for Growth (which bundled over 28% of Nicholson's Q3 fundraising) "the kind of friends you want." And in March of this year, Nicholson gushed that he was "honored and humbled" to have Uihlein's support (and that of his super PAC Solutions for Wisconsin).

“Wisconsinites don’t want any “solutions” that involve an out-of-state billionaire-controlled candidate like Kevin Nicholson who has decided to accept Illinois billionaire Dick Uihlein’s support and millions and align himself with Roy Moore and his values,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning. “Kevin Nicholson needs to tell Wisconsinites why he's accepting millions from Roy Moore’s biggest financial supporter and turning his back on Wisconsin values."

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