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Vukmir Says Ending Protections For Wisconsinites With Pre-Existing Conditions Is Good PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Saturday, 07 October 2017 09:33

graham-johnson-cassidyGraham-Cassidy Would End Protections For Wisconsinites With Pre-Existing Conditions, Make Millions More Uninsured

MADISON - At a Tuesday campaign event in Appleton, right-wing state Senator Leah Vukmir expressed supreme regret that Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan were unable to pass the dangerous so-called "Graham-Cassidy" TrumpCare bill that would take healthcare access away from millions of Wisconsinites while putting every single woman, man, and child with a pre-existing condition at risk of being discriminated against by insurers.

"It's unconscionable that Vukmir and her GOP primary opponent, Kevin Nicholson, continue to stand by TrumpCare plans that would, at worst, take care away from 30 million Americans, and, at best, strip millions of their healthcare access, while throwing people with pre-existing conditions under the bus," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "Vukmir's continued claim that ending anti-discrimination protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing health conditions is somehow good for families, is just the latest proof that her far-right and pro-corporate special interest agenda is completely out-of-step with Wisconsin's working families' best interests."




QUESTIONER: "What are you going to do for the family, okay? Because basically we’ve transversed into a party that basically is the family now, and basically is more of a working class people than anybody..." 


VUKMIR: "I'm disappointed that the Graham-Cassidy didn't go through. I'm disappointed -- as we talk about families -- I'm disappointed that the Graham-Cassidy bill didn't go through."

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