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What they are saying about Leah Vukmir’s run for the U.S. Senate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Leah Vukmir for Senate, Jessica Ward   
Friday, 08 September 2017 17:16

leah-vukmirVarious Milwaukee and Madison commentators recount what they think about conservative Senate candidate Leah Vukmir.

MILWAUKEE, WI - “Leah Vukmir probably doesn’t need much of an introduction if you pay attention to politics at all… Leah Vukmir has been the one who has always been trying to push the envelope and keep the Republican Party conservative, and move it more conservative… In terms of a track record on the issues, you can’t beat Leah Vukmir’s record. She has been there and backed conservative causes as long as she’s been in the Legislature. She’s been staunch on Act 10, she’s one of those who has never buckled… I think it comes down to this: Kevin Nicholson has to convince people that he’d be better than Leah Vukmir. I don’t think Leah has to convince anybody that she’d be good, because any Republican in Wisconsin who has been paying attention knows that she’d be a great United States Senator because she’s been a great Wisconsin State Senator." – Mark Belling, WISN

"If the Shepherd Express hates you and Milwaukee Magazine hates you and Bruce Murphy hates you and some of the Republicans that are fighting to increase road taxes and gas taxes and usage fees and import tollways… I’m struggling to find how that’s a negative here…" – Dan O’Donnell, WISN

“Vowing to bring the "Wisconsin Way" to the U.S. Senate, state Sen. Leah Vukmir of Brookfield entered the race for the Republican nomination to take on Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin next year.” – Bill Glauber, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

“Leah Vukmir. Very well known to voters in southeastern Wisconsin. A proven conservative who certainly adds a very important voice to this campaign. I am thrilled to see her getting in the race. — Jeff Wagner, WTMJ

“Republican state Sen. Leah Vukmir made it official Thursday that she’s running for the U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, casting herself as the only true conservative in a primary contest that includes a former Democrat.” – Scott Bauer, Associated Press

“You know, I’m somebody that tweeted back at you probably about six weeks ago, ‘Run Leah Run!’ And I’m glad you’re making this decision today to go forward and get into that race. You are a conservative, and a woman. That’s kind of a rare thing on the national level, so I’m excited about that. But the fact that you’re going to take that Wisconsin story to Washington, I think that is significant.” — Steve Scaffidi, WTMJ

“The best primary is where you have a clear choice that is conservative because they have 16 years worth of a resume to prove it, not just because they claim to be…[Leah’s] a conservative we can trust.” – Ed Willing, The Resurgent

“Among Vukmir's legislative victories is a full repeal of the state's prevailing wage law, set to be approved in the state budget later this month. Vukmir has also championed the expansion of taxpayer-funded vouchers for private schools throughout her tenure in the Legislature. She became politically active as an education advocate when her daughter was in kindergarten.” – Jessie Opoien, The Cap Times

“Vukmir is a policy wonk. She led the fight against Obamacare expansion in the state, proposed reforms to national common core standards, supported concealed carry, castle doctrine (defending your home), veteran benefit reforms, statewide school choice, right-to-work, prevailing wage reform (mandated pricing for public works), holding the line on property taxes, freezing state tuition at state colleges, and dozens of other first-time conservative changes. As Wisconsin has slowly replaced the aging progressive legacy of our state with conservative policies that work, Vukmir has usually been on the front line.” – Ed Willing, The Resurgent

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