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Celebrating the 4th of July PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 04 July 2017 09:20

statue-of-libertyMADISON - The following is the statement of Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning celebrating the 4th of July:

"On this day, across our state, we recall the bravery of those patriots who declared independence from a powerful empire, and we honor the enduring spirit of America that continues to burn so brightly today.

martha-laning"Even as this day of celebration serves as a reminder of those who made great sacrifices to let America thrive, it also invokes our duty as a people to ensure that our Nation lives up to its promise of a democracy in which all people are created and treated equally under the law. Furthermore, it is a time to envision how our Nation can live up to the purpose and goals of our Constitution when we insist that our leaders protect the most vulnerable Americans and guarantee economic opportunity for all Americans.

"We must not remain complacent with the work already done by our forefathers: we must stride ahead, join together, and carry that same valiant spirit with us as we confront the challenges of tomorrow.

"On our Nation's birthday, we remember and honor the enduring spirit of American democracy, and look forward to the trails we will continue to blaze in unity, equity, inclusiveness, and opportunity for all."

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