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Tammy Baldwin in Strong Position for 2018 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Baldwin Press   
Monday, 23 January 2017 10:25

tammy_baldwinSenator Tammy Baldwin won a sweeping victory in 2012 over former Governor Tommy Thompson and will continue to hold Republicans accountable for their actions in Washington as the 2018 election approaches. During her term, Tammy has traveled the state and stayed connected to Wisconsin.

MADISON - In 2012, Tammy Baldwin was elected to the Senate in a sweeping victory, winning counties in all four corners of the state with substantial majorities.  Just as she said during the campaign, Tammy has taken on the powerful interests in Washington and fought for Wisconsin’s working families. She continues to aggressively travel across Wisconsin meeting with constituents to hear their concerns and bring their ideas back to Washington. Meanwhile, Tammy has built a robust war chest, preparing for an election where Wisconsin Republicans will be facing a strong headwind led by the Republican establishment in Washington.

Tammy Baldwin is a proven, strong statewide candidate. Not only did Tammy win 13 counties in 2012 that President Trump carried in 2016, she earned more votes than either Trump or Senator Johnson, despite running against popular former Governor Tommy Thompson. Tammy won 31 counties in 2012; and outperformed President Obama in 9 counties.

In 2012, Tammy was elected to take on the powerful special interests in Washington and fight for Wisconsin. She has never been afraid to stand up and fight to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. When she first joined Congress she stood up to Wall Street lobbyists and she will not let Congress hand everything over to Wall Street to write their own rules again. Tammy has taken on the rigged system and introduced legislation to close the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington.

During her term, Tammy has traveled the state and stayed connected to Wisconsin. She’s visited towns large and small.  She’s held roundtables on student debt and college affordability. She’s visited technical schools to discuss support for workforce readiness. She’s brought people together to deliver funding for the opiate crisis. She’s made the Buy American fight her fight. She’s talked to communities about taking on special interests and holding them accountable by introducing legislation to stop the revolving door between the Administration and Wall Street, requiring hedge fund managers to pay their fair share and defending Wisconsin’s Main Streets against Wall Street interests.

Tammy has always been a strong fundraiser and this cycle is no different. In 2012, she built a strong fundraising infrastructure that allowed her to raise over $15 million.  In 2016, the campaign raised more than $1.8 million, one of the highest totals for any Senator who wasn’t on the ballot, from either party. The campaign will report over $1 million in the bank to start 2017. In 2016 alone she had 23,122 donors who contributed $46.54 on average. Her campaign is in a stronger financial position heading into 2018 than Senator Johnson was in January 2015.  With the foundation laid over the past three years, Tammy will have the resources she needs to execute a winning plan in 2018.

With the inauguration of President Trump, Republicans control everything in Washington. Likely to pass the most pro-corporate agenda ever to come from Republicans and their Wall Street backers, all Republicans must explain their party’s actions to the voters. They could be forced to defend decisions like cutting Social Security, deregulating Wall Street and more. Mid-term elections are historically bad for the party in control in Washington. Six out of the past seven general elections for Governor and Senator in Wisconsin have seen the electorate vote against the party that controls the White House (2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016). The only outlier was the 2012 election, when Tammy was elected. With President Trump’s approval ratings already at historic lows for a newly elected President, it is unlikely that we will see this trend change in 2018.

Over the course of the next year, Tammy will continue to be a voice for every Wisconsinite and hold Republicans accountable for their actions in Washington.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 January 2017 16:36
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