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Shilling appoints Taylor, Erpenbach to serve on Joint Finance Committee PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Friday, 02 December 2016 10:39

lena-taylorBoth have been outspoken advocates for working families in Wisconsin and understand the importance of investing in our future.

MADISON – Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) announced today that Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) and Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) will be re-appointed to serve on the Joint Committee on Finance for the 2017-18 legislative session.

jennifer-shilling“Sen. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach have been outspoken advocates for working families in Wisconsin and understand the importance of investing in our future,” said Sen. Shilling. “Their years of experience and commitment to strengthening Wisconsin’s economy will help to focus our upcoming budget discussions on the important issues at hand. I look forward to working with Senators Taylor and Erpenbach as Wisconsin Democrats continue to advocate for investments in education, worker training and infrastructure to boost our economy and create new jobs.”

Sen. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach welcomed their responsibilities and are eager to bring new ideas and thoughtful solutions to the upcoming budget discussions.

jon-erpenbach-radio“I’m honored to serve another term on the Joint Finance Committee. It’s an important time for both my constituents and all of Wisconsin and I look forward to being a fierce advocate for commonsense bipartisan solutions,” said Taylor. “I will continue to advocate for children, reforming our justice system and fighting for social and economic justice for all.”

“Wisconsin Republicans cannot continue to delay big budget decisions,” said Sen. Erpenbach. “Our economy needs a jumpstart, our roads and bridges need immediate repairs and our communities need more support for local schools. I am grateful for this opportunity to stand up for Wisconsin’s working families and advocate for a more sustainable and forward-looking state budget.”

With the appointment of Sen. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach to the Joint Finance Committee, Senate Democrats have a strong and diverse leadership team representing a broad spectrum of communities across Wisconsin.

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