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Democrats React to Court Ruling on Assembly District Boundaries PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by GBP Staff   
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 16:14

justiceDemocratic legislative leaders from around the state issue statements on Court striking down GOP gerrymandered districts.

MADISON - A panel of three federal judges Monday struck down state house district maps drawn in 2011 by Wisconsin's Republican controlled legislature, finding the resulting districts so blatantly partisan that they denied Democrats a fair shot at electing candidates of their choosing.

Since taking control of the Legislature in 2011 the Republicans have done everything in their power to tilt elections in their favor including passing extreme voter suppression measures such as Voter ID, the elimination of early voting and gerrymandering legislative districts to give them an unfair advantage at the polls.

dave-hansen"In today’s ruling, the Court’s affirmed what many of us have been saying all along, that the Republicans gerrymandered legislative districts to protect their legislative majorities and to solidify their power in the state capitol for generations," said Sen. Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) "all in violation of the Constitution".

The people of Wisconsin, regardless of which political party they support, deserve fair and honest elections and for their votes to count. To that end it is now incumbent upon the Court to throw out the current maps and issue a remedy that not only results in new, fair districts but also prevents any partisan efforts to commit similar gerrymandering in the future.

"The Legislature should make passage of non-partisan redistricting reform its first act of the 2017 Legislative Session,” said Hansen.

peter_barcaAssembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) said on the ruling “Voters should be able to choose their representatives, not the other way around. Today’s ruling is a victory for democracy and the people of Wisconsin."

"The districts that were drawn by Republicans have greatly disenfranchised voters in Wisconsin, and it is time that we fix the maps and ensure that every vote truly counts in Wisconsin," said Rep. Dana Wachs (D-Eau Claire), ranking Democrat on the Assembly Committee on Judiciary. "I commend the judges for the meticulous work that went into this decision and I look forward to a remedy that benefits not one particular party or special interest but the voters of the State of Wisconsin."

jennifer-shilling"We've known for years that Republican politicians have abused their power to rig Wisconsin elections in their favor," adds Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). "From disenfranchising voters, limiting polling places, restricting voting hours and drawing unconstitutional legislative districts, Republican politicians have waged an unprecedented attack on our democratic values. Every voter deserves to have their voice heard and I am relieved that our judicial system is helping to hold Republicans accountable for their unconstitutional partisan power grabs."

“Today’s court ruling recognizes the Republican abuse of power as going too far in shutting out our neighbors' voices in elections," concludes Senator Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee). “Attempts to suppress the public’s voice by politically gerrymandering districts in order to weaken the voting power of targeted groups is a betrayal of our fundamental freedoms and values."

Walker and state Republicans have shown themselves ready to do anything to hold onto power. It is time to move forward with an unbiased system of redistricting to ensure the voices of all our neighbors can be heard.


Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 16:51
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