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Waukesha County GOP Chair Says Republicans “Outgunned” PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Monday, 18 March 2024 17:06

cc-redistictMADISON, Wis. — Appearing today on NewsTalk 1130 WISN, Waukesha County GOP Chair Terry Dittrich blasted Wisconsin Republicans as “outgunned and out-financed, big time” in local races across the state. Complaining the state GOP’s local elections program “hasn't gone very well,” Dittrich credited Wisconsin Democrats for having “a permanent infrastructure in the state that is working 24/7.”

Listen to Dittrich's appearance on NewsTalk 1130 here or read a transcript below:

TERRY DITTRICH: [00:08:59] "So it just proved the fact that the trickle up absolutely works. We need to do this statewide. The state party acknowledges that we've had success, they tried to start their own local elections program, but frankly speaking, it hasn't gone very well, very far. And I think the bottom line is they don't necessarily have the resources. [...] So this is something I've been trying to champion and to run up the flagpole is the fact that the Democrats, y'know to their credit, have a permanent infrastructure in the state that is working 24/7. We tend to think springtime is the time to get involved for a November election and frankly, that's pretty late. And we were outgunned and out-financed, big time. And we need to change that whole structure. And I've tried to articulate this to the state party and even the RNC folks. And to an extent it's, it's just simply not taking hold."

In response, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Joe Oslund released the following statement: 

“Republicans are in disarray. While Wisconsin Democrats remain laser focused on our ‘permanent infrastructure’ that is ‘working 24/7’ to organize across the state. Meanwhile, Republicans are ’outgunned and out financed, big time.’ For a top Republican from a crucial county like Waukesha to lob these kinds of potshots at the state GOP is downright embarrassing for Brian Schimming and Wisconsin Republicans.”

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