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Obey endorses State Rep. Katrina Shankland in race for Congress PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Katrina Shankland for Congress Press   
Thursday, 07 March 2024 11:23

katrina-shanklandLong time Congressman supports Shankland in western Wisconsin race.

STEVENS POINT, Wis - Today, Katrina Shankland announced she’s earned the endorsement of former Congressman Dave Obey (WI-07) in her bid for Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District.

"Katrina Shankland is an effective leader who has proven she can deliver results for her community and state. She can be counted on to go the extra mile to solve political problems, not create them.

dave-obeyI know the Congress and I know Katrina. She will bring the right kind of medicine to actually make the Congress work again. That's why I'm proud to support Katrina Shankland for Congress. I encourage you to join her efforts — you'll be glad you did," said former Congressman Obey.

“Congressman Dave Obey’s legacy of service in Congress has touched the lives of people across Wisconsin. He has been instrumental in ensuring government truly worked for us, achieving landmark investments in infrastructure, health care, and education. As our pro-worker, pro-democracy campaign continues to grow, I’m proud to be endorsed by a member of Congress best known for delivering meaningful results for working families and seniors — because I’ll do the same,” said Katrina Shankland.

The endorsement of former Congressman Dave Obey adds to the growing list of elected officials and labor endorsements for Shankland’s campaign. Click here for a full list of endorsements.

Recent polling conducted by Blueprint Polling shows Katrina Shankland is the only Democrat running for Congress who beats Van Orden in the General Election this November. In the poll, Shankland bests Van Orden in the general election 48-46% while Rebecca Cooke trails Van Orden in the informed ballot.

Katrina is a state representative in the Wisconsin State Assembly. In the Legislature, Katrina passed 180 bipartisan laws, including increased access to affordable rural healthcare, help for farmers, expanded protections for first responders, and stronger clean water laws. Katrina is running for Congress to bring some common sense to the Capitol, fight against extremism, and deliver results for the hard-working people of Wisconsin.

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