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Trump’s America in 2025: Repealing the Affordable Care Act PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Biden for President 2024 Press   
Monday, 27 November 2023 11:00

trumpcareDonald Trump’s threat to repeal the ACA is as dangerous as it is unpopular. 

Public surveys are clear the law remains extremely popular with the American public. For example:

  • 72% believe it is “very important” the ACA provision protecting preexisting conditions stay in place – including 62% of Republicans.
  • 64% believe it is “very important” insurance companies continue to be prohibited from charging sick people more – including 55% of Republicans.


Not only that, eight out of 10 U.S. adults say all Americans have a basic right to health care coverage, and more than six in ten (63%) believe it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have coverage. 

But more important than these numbers is how voters respond when Republicans threaten to repeal the law. 

Threatening Americans’ health care is part of how Republicans lost the House in 2018. 

The Affordable Care Act has been a life-changing law passed by President Obama and bolstered by President Biden. Donald Trump adding repealing the ACA to the laundry-list of deeply unpopular MAGA agenda items is the latest reason why his extremist, out-of-touch proposals will once again be rejected by the American people next November. 

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson Ammar Moussa on Trump’s renewed push to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“40 million people – more than 1 in 10 Americans – have health insurance today because of the Affordable Care Act and Donald Trump just said he would try to rip it away if he returns to power. He was one vote away from getting it done when he was president – and we should take him at his word that he’ll try to do it again. 

“That means letting insurance companies deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions like diabetes, cancer, or asthma; kicking college kids off their parents’ coverage the moment they graduate; leaving a job once again resulting in a loss of coverage; premiums skyrocketing; and middle class families suffering. Donald Trump’s America is one where millions of people lose their health insurance and seniors and families across the country face exorbitant costs just to stay healthy. Those are the stakes next November.”

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