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Priorities USA Announces Goal of $75 Million for 2024 Ad Campaign PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 09:43

trump-failed-pusaSince 2016, group has built an innovative digital infrastructure and expertise to create programming that stands out to voters and informs them.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Priorities USA announced a targeted goal of $75 million towards digital mobilization and persuasion programming in six battleground states. With this investment, Priorities will support President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their path to reelection in 2024 and bolster Democrats’ presence to diverse audiences of voters online.

The ads will reach voters in states that will be decisive in choosing the next president and hold competitive Senate races, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Shortly after President Biden’s campaign announcement, Priorities launched a new six-figure digital ad campaign emphasizing his administration’s accomplishments and how a second term can lead to more progress.

WATCH: “Our Strength, Our Champion” in English or Spanish

Through research, innovative voter targeting to persuade and mobilize and creative advertising, Priorities has successfully engaged voters and those who have never voted before cycle after cycle. Priorities’ commitment to digital programming has proven to be effective in reaching young voters and voters of color who use online platforms and streaming services more often. This voter outreach work also includes collaboration with multiple partner organizations in the larger progressive space to maximize resources and total impact. Priorities additionally hosts trainings for Democratic organizers to build key digital skills, strengthen the overall pipeline of digital experts and empower more grassroots voices to engage in policy issues and solutions in their communities.

Priorities has also fought to protect Americans’ voting rights since 2015 and has won relief for voters in 30 cases. Currently, Priorities has active voting rights lawsuits in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, New Hampshire, Nevada and Georgia to defend ballot access. Protecting voting rights has long been a central tenet of Priorities’ work and has become even more pressing as extremist Republicans take action to disenfranchise people of color, the elderly, youth, people with disabilities and other marginalized communities.

“Priorities stands ready to connect with voters across the country on the historic accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration. Since 2016, we’ve built an innovative digital infrastructure and expertise to create programming that stands out to voters and informs them about Biden’s plan for America,” said Danielle Butterfield, Executive Director of Priorities USA. “It is essential to remind voters of what’s at stake in 2024, and to do so online. Issues such as abortion access, protecting our climate, curbing gun control, making health care more affordable and making our economy work for every American will be the centerpieces of this campaign. Meanwhile, President Biden is bringing Americans relief on these issues every day and Priorities is proud to support him, once again, so he can continue delivering for Americans.”

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