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Gallagher & Steil Lead GOP Delegation In Vote to Protect Billionaire Tax Cheats PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Hannah Menchhoff   
Wednesday, 11 January 2023 10:24

kevin-mccarthy-scott-fitzgerald-house-2023MADISON, Wis. — After an embarrassing first week in the majority, Wisconsin’s GOP House delegation has been quick to fall in line behind Kevin McCarthy and the extreme right-wing controlling their caucus, with Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Derrick Van Orden, Scott Fitzgerald, Glenn Grothman, and Tom Tiffany all too happy to back the GOP’s disastrous agenda at the expense of Wisconsin taxpayers.

For their first order of business in the new majority, every member of Wisconsin’s GOP House delegation voted to protect ultra-wealthy tax cheats from paying their fair share, rolling back a key portion of Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act in a move that would blow a $114 billion hole in the deficit and undermine efforts to lower costs for working families.

mike-gallagher“With one of their first votes of the new Congress, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil and Wisconsin’s GOP delegation are showing folks back home exactly where their priorities lie: enriching the ultra-wealthy at the expense of working Wisconsinites,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Haley McCoy. “By clawing back funding to modernize the IRS and enforce our laws, Republicans are seeking to make it even easier for billionaires to cheat on their taxes, while adding more than $100 billion to the deficit over the next decade. For the so-called party of fiscal responsibility, this first vote by Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, and Wisconsin’s GOP delegation to balloon the deficit is incredibly irresponsible.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 14 January 2023 10:31
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