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314 Action Fund Endorses Gov. Evers, STEM ticket for Office in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by 314 Action Info   
Wednesday, 02 November 2022 09:26

evers-in-gb-2019Group says electing pro-science STEM leaders is more important than ever, as the fate of issues including reproductive rights, education, and even democracy itself are all falling on states to decide.

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Tuesday, 314 Action Fund reaffirmed its previous endorsements of former science teacher and sitting Governor Tony Evers and Democratic Lieutenant Governor nominee Sara Rodriguez, along with its new endorsement of Secretary of State Doug La Follette. Rodriguez, a sitting State Representative, is a registered nurse and epidemiologist and Dr. La Follette is a Ph.D. organic chemist and former chemistry professor.

women-health-servicesElecting this slate of pro-science STEM leaders is more important than ever for Wisconsinites, as the fate of issues including reproductive rights, education, and even the integrity of democracy itself are all falling on states to decide with the Supreme Court’s conservative majority taking a suddenly aggressive approach to stripping back the rights of millions of Americans.

314 Action Fund has raised nearly $400,000 for Gov. Evers re-election campaign and contributed $35,000. The organization also made a maximum contribution to Rodriguez’ campaign for $26,000. Additionally, 314 Action Fund is currently running a six figure statewide program aimed at educating persuable voters on Republican Governor nominee Tim Michels’ views in favor of banning abortion, you can view our digital ad here.

“Governor Tony Evers’ veto pen could be the one thing that protects reproductive rights for millions of Wisconsin women,” Shaughnessy Naughton, president of 314 Action, said. “It could not be more important to re-elect him to office this year given the host of issues that could fall to states to decide, along with Sara Rodriguez and Dr. Doug LaFollette, who have both pledged a pro-science platform and an evidence-based approach to policymaking once in office. ”

tony-evers“I am proud to have the endorsement of 314 Action Fund in my re-election campaign. As a former public school science teacher, I know how important it is to listen to facts and evidence when making decisions about the future of our state. From investing in our public schools to protecting access to healthcare, I’m focused on building a better and brighter future for all Wisconsinites,” Gov. Tony Evers said.

doug-lafollette“As a Ph.D. chemist and former science teacher, I've seen firsthand the need for science in our public policy. Elected leaders have an obligation to follow facts and I'm honored to have the support of 314 Action which is leading the way in getting more science leadership into public office.” Secretary Doug La Follette said.

“I’m honored and humbled to receive the support from an organization that understands the importance of electing leaders who will make evidence-based decisions to find solutions for the challenges Wisconsinites are facing,” Sara Rodriguez said. “In a time when politicians are choosing harmful rhetoric and partisan talking points over science and logic, 314 Action Fund’s scientific, data-driven approach is critical to building a better and safer future for all. As a nurse and epidemiologist, I thank them and look forward to rolling up my scrubs to make a difference together.”


314 Action Fund is powered by a grassroots community of over six million people working to elect scientists, doctors, and STEM professionals who will use science and facts to address our most pressing issues like climate change and health care. In 2018 and 2020, we played a pivotal role in flipping the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, electing eleven Democratic scientists to federal office, as well as in helping over 100 statewide, state legislative, and municipal candidates win their races. In 2022, 314 Action Fund will continue working to elect science leaders and defeat climate deniers in Congress and legislatures across the country.

Last Updated on Friday, 04 November 2022 10:16
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