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Groups Make Record Investments to Elect Climate Champions PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters Press   
Tuesday, 18 October 2022 10:37

clean-drinking-waterWisconsin Conservation Voters opens their wallet, investing almost $3.6 million to re-elect Gov. Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul and to elect key state legislators. LCV Victory Fund invests over $2 million in Mandela Barnes.

MADISON – With the climate crisis accelerating, our democracy under attack, and Wisconsinites living without drinkable water in their homes, Wisconsin Conservation Voters Independent Expenditure Committee (WCV IEC) and LCV Victory Fund (LCVVF) are making their largest investment ever in Wisconsin’s elections.

Wisconsin Conservation Voters IEC is investing almost $3.6 million to re-elect Gov. Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul and to elect key state legislators. LCV Victory Fund is investing over $2 million to elect Mandela Barnes to the U.S. Senate.

tony-evers“To meet the demands of our time, we must ensure the re-election of Governor Evers, Attorney General Josh Kaul, and key state legislators who can protect our Governor’s veto in Wisconsin’s extremely gerrymandered legislature. All of these elected leaders have proven time and again that they are invested in creating a future for Wisconsin where we can all thrive. They’ve shown their commitment to defending our democracy, investing in clean energy, and taking on illegal polluters,” said Wisconsin Conservation Voters Executive Director Kerry Schumann.

clean-energy“Our program is one that can deliver decisive victories for conservation and democracy champions up and down the ballot. Climate action and clean water are winning messages, and with razor thin margins in Wisconsin elections, we are reaching as many voters in as many ways as possible with those messages before November 8th,” said Wisconsin Conservation Voters Deputy Director Seth Hoffmeister.

Here is our strategy to win, along with links to some of our favorite ads:

mandela-barnesOne of the largest door-to-door canvass programs in Wisconsin: We know the most effective way to talk to voters is to have real conversations at peoples’ doors. In partnership with the LCV Victory Fund, we will knock on 365,000 doors in Dane County, Brown County, the City of Milwaukee, and the Milwaukee suburbs. After knocking on their doors, we are following up with these voters through digital ads, phone calls, and direct mail to ensure they have everything they need to cast a ballot for pro-conservation and pro-democracy candidates.

  • WCV IEC has invested over $2 million to talk to voters about re-electing Governor Evers
  • LCVVF has invested over $1.7million to talk to voters about electing Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes to the U.S. Senate.

Governor Evers is protecting the Wisconsin we love: Governor Evers’ accomplishments on climate action and clean water are things that Wisconsinites care about, and we know he will continue to protect the Wisconsin we love when we re-elect him.

$710,000 on digital ads and mail to a statewide audience mobilizing voters on the need to act on climate change.

  • “A Choice”
  • “Manhattan”
  • $250,000 on digital ads targeted to college students across Wisconsin highlighting the impact this election will have on climate justice.

josh-kaulAttorney General Josh Kaul is holding corporate polluters accountable: We need someone in this important position who won’t play politics and put his own personal interests ahead of what’s right for Wisconsin families.

$100,000 on digital ads to a statewide audience mobilizing voters to hold corporate polluters accountable.

Protecting the Governor’s veto in the State Legislature: Extreme, one-party control in our gerrymandered legislature has shown us the worst of partisan politics. We need to prevent a super-majority in both chambers in order to ensure our elected officials focus on the things we care about. We have digital ads, mail, door-to-door canvassing, text messages, and campus organizing programs to deliver that win.

  • $101,500 in Assembly District 71 to re-elect Rep. Katrina Shankland
  • “Keep Katrina”
  • $101,500 in Assembly District 94 to re-elect Rep. Steve Doyle
  • “Keep Steve”
  • $62,000 in Assembly District 57 to re-elect Rep. Lee Snodrass
  • “Next”
  • $62,000 in Assembly District 54 to elect Oshkosh Mayor Lori Palmeri
  • “Mayor”
  • $62,000 in Assembly District 45 to elect Beloit City Council member Clinton Anderson
  • “Beloit”
  • $180,355 in Senate District 5 to elect Jessica Katzenmeyer.
  • $95,000 to support texting, volunteer canvassing, volunteer postcards, relational organizing, and campus organizing for the candidates above, as well as for: Don Vruwink in AD 33, Laura Gapske in AD 73, Kristina Shelton in AD 90, Tip McGuire in AD 64, Dave Considine in AD 81, LuAnn Bird in AD 84, Jeff Smith in SD 31, Kristin Alfiem in SD 19, and Attorney General Josh Kaul.

Defeating America’s worst Senator: Ron Johnson is a national disgrace. He’s a climate denier, conspiracy theorist, and insurrectionist. We’re incredibly proud of the LCV Victory Fund investment to elect Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes to be a voice for all Wisconsinites in the U.S. Senate.

$450,000 on digital ads and direct mail through LCV Victory Fund’s Climate Voters Mobilization program.

“So much is on the line this November. Whether or not we can ensure clean drinking water for all Wisconsinites is on the ballot. Addressing climate change - the challenge of our generation - is on the ballot. Protecting our freedom to vote is on the ballot. Conservation voters are all in to win this November,” concluded Hoffmeister.


For more information, contact Deputy Director Seth Hoffmeister at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 715-579-2609.

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