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Gov. Evers Raises Over $4.5 Million in Just Over a Month PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Evers Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 23 September 2022 14:15

tony-eversCampaign announces another round of record-breaking fundraising.

MADISON, Wis. — Today, Governor Tony Evers announced that he raised over $4.5 million in the span of 37 days — nearly double what Scott Walker raised in the same period in 2018, shattering previous records for this reporting period.

“From his time as a public school science teacher to now as governor, Tony Evers has worked to bring people together and do the right thing for Wisconsin,” said Tony for Wisconsin Campaign Manager Cassi Fenili. “This latest report shows our grassroot supporters are fired up and ready to win in November. Governor Evers knows Wisconsinites want common sense solutions to the issues facing our state, and our fundraising report shows that.”

Gov. Evers received over 34,000 contributions from over 25,000 donors in over a month. Gov. Evers will report having more than $6 million cash on hand. 

Since January 2021, Gov. Evers has raised more than $25 million — the most of any prior Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate at this point in the cycle and one of the most expensive gubernatorial races in the country in 2022.

Since announcing his re-election campaign last year, Gov. Evers has continued to expand his team, communicate with voters, and invest in crucial grassroots organizing that’s connecting with voters in every corner of the state. This record-breaking fundraising report is just another sign that Wisconsinites are fired up and ready to re-elect Gov. Evers.


tony-eversAbout Governor Tony Evers
From his days as a public school science teacher to now as Governor, Tony Evers has worked to bring people together, instead of driving them apart. He cut income taxes by fifteen percent for most families and directed over a billion dollars to tens of thousands of small businesses and farms to prevent layoffs and create new jobs. Rather than focus on hot-button political issues meant to divide us, Evers will keep working to address the cost of living, get people back to work, and give our kids the education they need to thrive. Governor Tony Evers is doing the right thing for Wisconsin. Learn more at

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