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New York Times: In Wisconsin, 2 Huge Races Stand Between G.O.P. and Near-Total Power PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Judge Mitchell For Justice Press   
Tuesday, 16 August 2022 16:36

wisc-supremecourt-justices“In terms of the ability to change Wisconsin in two years, this could be an utterly different state,” said Kelda Roys, a Democratic state senator.

MADISON - Yesterday, the New York Times highlighted the importance of the upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court race, saying that it “will affect the state’s voting laws for years.” Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate and Dane County Judge Everett Mitchell released the following statement.

“Justice Thurgood Marshall said, ‘Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on.’ This upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court election will give Wisconsin an opportunity to exercise their voices and vote for a Justice that will empower and not weaken our democracy.  As Justice Marshall reminds us, our democracy is ours to make, protect and pass on to further generations.”

Read more about how this race stands between democracy and a radical takeover of our court.

New York Times: In Wisconsin, 2 Huge Races Stand Between G.O.P. and Near-Total Power


women-1849Electing a liberal justice to replace the retiring conservative, Justice Patience D. Roggensack, would give Wisconsin Democrats an opportunity to enact a host of measures that currently have no shot at passing in the Republican-led Legislature. Bringing new lawsuits through the courts, they could potentially undo the gerrymandered legislative districts; reverse the drop box decision; and overturn the state’s 1849 law criminalizing abortion, which went back into effect in June when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.


Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election is one of several in coming months that will effectively determine which party controls the high courts in Kansas, Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio. But nowhere are the stakes as high as in Wisconsin, given how close its court came to supporting Mr. Trump’s attempt to subvert the 2020 election.

wi-fair-maps“The State Supreme Court race in Wisconsin next year is crucial to maintaining a free and fair election system in Wisconsin, and also imperative for maintaining a representative democracy in our national elections,” said Jake Faleschini, the legal director for state courts at the Alliance for Justice Action Fund, a liberal organization that focuses on state court elections.


“If the more conservative candidate wins, you will have a court that looks a lot like the court now at its most conservative,” said Rick Esenberg, the president of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, the conservative legal organization that brought the case that led to the court’s ruling prohibiting drop boxes. “If you had a legal progressive win that seat, then obviously there would be significant ramifications there, with the court moving to the left.”

Wisconsin Democrats are already envisioning, if they win the election in April and take a 4-to-3 majority, a political transformation of the state.

“In terms of the ability to change Wisconsin in two years, this could be an utterly different state,” said Kelda Roys, a Democratic state senator from Madison. “That is our real opportunity to not just stop the bad stuff from happening, but actually restore real democracy and accountability to Wisconsin, things like abortion rights and fair elections where your candidate might actually win.”


About Judge Mitchell

Judge Mitchell graduated from Morehouse College in 2000, and earned a Masters in Divinity in 2003 and a Master of Theology in 2004 from Princeton Theological Seminary. He received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School in 2010. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School and teaches a course in juvenile justice. Judge Mitchell also serves as the Senior Pastor at Christ the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Madison.

He lives in Windsor with his wife Dr. Mankah Zama Mitchell. They have two wonderful children, Sydney and Braylon, and a dog Bailey.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 August 2022 16:58
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