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Shelton publishes Tri-lingual website to better serve Green Bay voters PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Eliza Cussen, Green Bay   
Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:57

kristina-sheltonAlso encourages all elected officials and candidates to make professional translation a standard for their campaign.

GREEN BAY, WI - Today, Rep. Kristina Shelton launched her 2022 campaign website in Spanish, Hmong, and English. This is believed to be the first Wisconsin state representative campaign site  to offer Hmong translation.

“Green Bay’s Hmong and Spanish speaking residents are a vital thread in the fabric of Green Bay life,” said Shelton. “Hmong and Hispanic culture and influence is prominent throughout our city. Further, Hmong and Spanish-speaking residents  represent a substantial voting block and are impacted daily by elected leaders in Madison. Any person running for office here in Brown County and throughout Wisconsin should be looking for ways to remove language barriers to public service  and equitably engage all  people in conversations about our democracy and collective future.”

The Shelton campaign used professional translators for both the Hmong and Spanish versions of the site. Communications director Eliza Cussen said “Computer-generated translations do not capture nuance and context. It’s important to us that regardless of which language you’re using to learn about our campaign, you receive the same information delivered with the same complexity. It’s about having respect for all voters.”

Christina Thor, a Hmong resident, said “I’m thrilled Kristina Shelton’s team is really putting the importance of engaging Hmong folks at the forefront of their campaign and also understanding how historically oppressed communities were forced to become politically immobilized throughout our history. Green Bay is a strong, diverse community with untapped potential, and we all need to be part of the decision-making process.”

The Kristina for Assembly website offers detailed information about Rep. Shelton’s economic justice agenda, as well as information on registering to vote, options for early voting, and what to bring to the polls. The website will be complemented by trilingual print materials that will be delivered by mail and door to door by Shelton and her volunteers.

“Inclusivity is a Wisconsin value. I encourage all elected officials and candidates to make professional translation a standard for their campaign,” said Shelton.

Krisitna Shelton is running for re-election to represent Wisconsin’s 90th Assembly District.

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