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Michels Cements Insider Status With Megadonor Diane Hendricks PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Hannah Menchhoff   
Friday, 20 May 2022 10:11

tim-michels-gov-mjsMichels is not an everyday Wisconsinite. He was on the board of the state’s largest business lobby, and he doesn’t even appear to live in Wisconsin full-time say WisDems.

MADISON, Wis. – According to, Diane Hendricks, billionaire and a megadonor entrenched in GOP politics, has invited Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels to a luncheon she is hosting. Michels has said he will not accept PAC money or large donations, but it certainly seems he will accept favors from billionaires.

While Michels has run ads casting himself as a political outsider, he is in fact the ultimate insider – prior to announcing his run for governor, he made the pilgrimage to meet with Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago and held a fundraiser at one of his houses for Senator Ron Johnson featuring many GOP heavyweights.

Michels is not an everyday Wisconsinite. He was on the board of the state’s largest business lobby, and he doesn’t even appear to live in Wisconsin full-time — he owns multimillion-dollar homes in Connecticut and New York, where he lived part time for at least 8 years.

diane-hendricksDiane Hendricks is also no stranger to GOP politics, previously donating almost $2 million to Trump’s 2016 campaign and at least $13.1 million to GOP politicians and conservative groups during the 2020 cycle. After joining Tommy Thompson on his trip to Mar-a-lago, she’s now apparently settled on using her connections and vast resources to support Tim Michels. 

“Tim Michels is not a political outsider — he asked Donald Trump for permission to run before he asked Wisconsinites what they cared about, he’s held fundraisers for GOP bigwigs and was on the board of a lobbying group. Now he’s holding an event with one of the biggest GOP donors around,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Rapid Response Director Hannah Menchhoff. “Michels’ catering to Diane Hendricks and holding a listening session with wealthy donors, instead of everyday Wisconsinites, shows just how out of touch he is. ”

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 May 2022 10:23
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