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Lasry Releases Plan to Invest in Public Safety PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Alex Lasry Press   
Thursday, 19 May 2022 13:20

alex-lasry-senate-talksSenate candidate hopes to protect our communities by investing in our local law enforcement and bringing much-needed change to the criminal justice system.

Milwaukee – Alex Lasry, Democratic candidate for the United States Senate, released his plan today to invest in public safety to protect Wisconsin communities in the wake of rising violent crime. In his detailed plan, Lasry highlights the need  to provide support and funding to assist local law enforcement officials, increase accountability, get guns out of our communities, and invest in community based violence prevention efforts.

“We do not have to choose between public safety and justice, we can invest in protecting our communities, restore community trust in our police departments, and hold law enforcement accountable when they do not meet the needs of the citizens that they are sworn to protect”, said Alex Lasry. “The way forward is clear, we need to do whatever it takes to keep our communities safe and to ensure that no one is treated differently in the eyes of law enforcement. That means passing the George Floyd Act, properly funding our police departments and violence prevention programs, and getting guns off of our streets.”

Lasry’s plan centers around keeping the streets of Wisconsin safe by investing in our local law enforcement and bringing much-needed change to the criminal justice system. His plan lays out common sense solutions to real world problems, like helping lower crime rates by putting more sworn officers on the street and holding them accountable through an investment in body cameras and de-escalation training.

Lasry also put forward plans to lower the school to prison pipeline by investing in after school programs, and creating job opportunities for our returning citizens. Lasry’s plan shows that we can invest in protecting our neighborhoods, restore community trust in our police departments, and hold law enforcement accountable when they do not meet the needs of the citizens that they are sworn to protect.

Read Lasry’s plan HERE.

The Democratic Primary Election for the United States Senate will be held Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. For more information about Alex Lasry’s campaign, visit

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