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Wisconsinites Reject GOP’s Extreme Agenda PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Julia Hamelburg   
Friday, 13 May 2022 09:32

abortion-rally-mdsnWisconsin doctors, seniors, and voters across the political spectrum are rejecting Republican extremism according to news reports.

MADISON, Wis. – Wisconsinites are fed up with the Republican Party. It’s no surprise, considering the GOP has been pushing an agenda that would raise taxes on almost one in three people across the state, sunset Social Security and Medicare, and block Americans from accessing abortion care. 

Across the state, Wisconsin doctors, seniors, and voters across the political spectrum are rejecting Republican extremism:

Wisconsin Examiner: Providers consider what they’ll do if abortion is outlawed in Wisconsin

“With a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that would overturn the constitutional right to abortion looming in the coming weeks, health care providers are preparing for how to best serve their patients seeking to terminate a pregnancy.

“‘We are all, unfortunately, preparing for every possible outcome and looking for where we can hopefully send our patients to get safe medical care in a medical facility,’ said Dr. Emily Buttigieg, an obstetrician/gynecologist who spoke on a Zoom call Tuesday with reporters. ‘Ideally, this doesn’t happen. But we are looking into every kind of option — knowing that for some of our patients they may not have any option, which is terrifying.’


“Without access to legal abortion, ‘Women will resort to unsafe methods and self-induced abortions as we have seen in the past and in other countries when abortion was restricted,’ said Dr. Kathy Hartke, an obstetrician/gynecologist who has practice [sic] for nearly 40 years.”

Racine Journal Times: Letter — Republicans Want to Raise Taxes on Poor

“Do you know the Republicans are at it again? They want to raise taxes on poor and working-class Americans. They could let Social Security and Medicare expire. They are prioritizing corporate profits to take care of their billionaire donors.”

The Cap Times: Letter — Social Security, Medicare under attack by GOP

“As a cancer survivor, like many other retired Americans, I depended on Medicare to help with hospital costs. Having Medicare payments deducted from my Social Security check along with supplemental insurance kept me from serious financial debt. Without Medicare, many elderly consumers may be forced to shift to Medicaid. This would not be an answer to saving tax dollars.

“I don't trust Republicans like Sen. Ron Johnson, who praised the Republican plan as a ‘positive thing,’ and fought for tax cuts for the wealthy and his biggest campaign donors. While Republicans have betrayed seniors who rely on Social Security and Medicare, Democrats have a history of supporting seniors and protecting these programs.”

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