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Republicans Betraying Wisconsin’s Seniors PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Julia Hamelburg   
Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:00

elderly-crowdLatest GOP crusade could put hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin seniors’ Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block.

MADISON, Wis. – May marks the start of Older Americans Month and Republican politicians are ringing it in by pushing an agenda that could sunset Social Security and Medicare. Seniors from across the state have called the Republican agenda a “slap in the face” and “terrifying.” 

Republican politicians have a long history of working against these lifesaving programs and this latest crusade could put hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin seniors’ Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block. While Republicans betray Wisconsin’s seniors, Democrats are hard at work to protect Medicare and Social Security and lower health care costs for seniors across the state. 

In celebration of Older Americans Month, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“Most Wisconsinites, no matter where we live or the color of our skin, believe that if you pay into Medicare and Social Security, those programs should be there for you when you retire. For years, Wisconsin’s seniors have been working to build a better Wisconsin for their families, communities, and future generations. All the while, these hard-working folks have been paying into programs like Social Security with the promise that they would one day see those benefits themselves. But Republican politicians want to break that promise and are pushing an agenda that could sunset all federal legislation, including Social Security and Medicare. Older Wisconsinites – parents, grandparents, and community members – rely on these programs to put food on their kitchen tables and a roof over their heads. To threaten these programs is a devastating betrayal. 

“Meanwhile, President Biden and Wisconsin Democrats continue to work for, not against, Wisconsin seniors by lowering health care costs, bolstering Social Security, cutting drug prices, and pioneering initiatives like Gov. Evers’ Retirement Security Task Force. It’s clear this month, and every month, that Democrats are fighting to protect seniors’ hard-earned benefits and financial security.”

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