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Rebecca Kleefisch’s Administration Cut 30 Percent of Technical College System’s Funding PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Julia Hamelburg   
Wednesday, 20 April 2022 08:24

rebecca-kleefischMADISON, Wis. – Rebecca Kleefisch lists building a worker pipeline as part of her campaign platform and talks a big game about investing in technical education, but as Scott Walker’s lieutenant governor, she sabotaged efforts to invest in our workforce.

Kleefisch supported a $71.6 million cut to Wisconsin’s technical college system’s funding - that’s 30 percent of their funding - and $250 million from the UW system. And while she was stripping resources from our schools, she gave tax breaks to her wealthy donors and big business executives. She even told them, behind closed doors, “we want to know how we can love you more.”

It’s pretty clear that Kleefisch does not care about building opportunities for students and future workers - she only cares about boosting her profile and hobnobbing with political donors. Republican politicians say one thing behind closed doors, and then tell the public another.

Governor Evers understands that Wisconsin’s technical colleges are at the forefront of filling jobs across our state. That’s why, in his latest budget, Governor Evers proposed an increase of $36 million in technical colleges over the next two years, and eventually secured an increase for technical schools, universities, and K-12 education. He is committed to fighting for workers in our state - Rebecca Kleefisch cannot say the same about her record. 

“Republican politicians love to use Wisconsin’s education system as a talking point, but when it comes to actually investing in public education and our state’s workers, they never fulfill their promises,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Rapid Response Director Hannah Menchhoff. “For years now, Wisconsin voters have worked towards our students getting the educational support they need to thrive in their lives and careers. We need a governor who is serious about filling jobs and supporting our local businesses and working families - not stuffing the pockets of the rich and powerful.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 April 2022 08:35
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