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TAX DAY: Wisconsinites Seeing Income Tax Cut PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Evers Press Wisconsin   
Monday, 18 April 2022 10:57

high-voltage-lines-farmsGov. Tony Evers’ support of bipartisan income tax cuts helps families facing rising costs.

MADISON, Wis. — Today is Tax Day, and this year, Wisconsinites are keeping more of their money thanks to Governor Tony Evers. During his first term, 86% of Wisconsin taxpayers are seeing an income tax cut of 15% or more. Overall, 2.4 million Wisconsin tax filers will see relief.

Last year, Gov. Evers signed the first bipartisan budget in more than a decade. In addition to the $3.4 billion income tax cut for Wisconsinites, Gov. Evers also passed the largest increase in general aid for education and the first increase in special education funding in more than a decade. Wisconsin small businesses are also keeping more of their hard-earned money because of a half a billion dollars in small business tax cuts that Gov. Evers signed into law last year.

Leaders from across the political spectrum gave Gov. Evers credit for signing the bipartisan state budget. Conservative talk show host Jeff Wagner of 620 radio said: “I give Evers credit for signing this. [...] He signed one of the largest tax decreases - tax cuts - in state history. He deserves credit for signing it. [...] So credit to go around."

tony-eversDespite their differences, Gov. Evers has worked to bring people together instead of finding ways to divide us — and his common sense fiscal management has paid off. Under Gov. Evers, our unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the country, and the lowest in state history. Wisconsin also has a $3.8 billion budget surplus, which the governor has proposed using to invest in our schools and give more tax credits to working families.

“On Tax Day, Wisconsinites are seeing relief thanks to Gov. Tony Evers’ bipartisan income tax cuts,” said Tony for Wisconsin Press Secretary Kayla Anderson. “Gov. Evers knows families are facing rising costs, that’s why he followed through on his promise to cut taxes for the middle class and has proposed returning a portion of the state’s budget surplus back to the people of Wisconsin. Gov. Evers will continue bringing people from both parties together to do the right thing for our state."

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