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Democrats Lower Costs for Working Families PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Julia Hamelburg   
Friday, 15 April 2022 14:38

working-women-aflcioMADISON, Wis. – Ahead of Tax Day, Wisconsin Democrats from the White House to the Statehouse have led a historic economic recovery from this pandemic by supporting Wisconsin businesses and lowering costs for families across the state.

“Ahead of Tax Day, the difference couldn’t be more clear: While Republican politicians try to rip off the public in order to enrich huge corporations and wealthy mega-donors, Democrats like President Biden and Gov. Evers will always champion working people by lowering costs, cutting taxes, and growing the middle class from the bottom up and middle out,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler.

On the federal level, Democratic Reps. Kind, Moore, and Pocan have been working around the clock to pass legislation that will ease financial burdens on Wisconsin families. Without the support of a single Wisconsin Republican in Congress, Democrats have passed legislation like the American Rescue Plan, which continues to provide critical relief to schools, small businesses, and hospitals across the state, and the Affordable Insulin Now Act, which caps the price of insulin at $35 and lowers costs for the 392,965 Wisconsinites who rely on this medication.

While Republicans like Ron Johnson have spent years cozying up to billionaires and rigging the tax code to provide breaks to himself and his biggest donors, Democrats remain steadfast in their commitment to working families. In fact, President Biden’s newly proposed Billionaire Tax will demand the top .01% of the wealthiest Americans finally pay their fair share in tax – ensuring that billionaires no longer pay less in taxes than teachers or firefighters.

On the state level, Gov. Evers has a proven record of lowering costs and providing tax cuts for families in every neighborhood across the state. Since Gov. Evers took office, he has provided a combined $4 billion in relief and cut income taxes for working families by 15%. Overall, 2.4 million Wisconsin tax filers are breathing a little easier because of Gov. Evers’ relief efforts. As a result, taxes as a share of income in Wisconsin dropped to the lowest point since at least 1970, allowing for more money available for families to pay their bills.

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