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Alex Lasry “Strengthening Our Rural Economies” PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Alex Lasry Press   
Wednesday, 13 April 2022 13:21

alex-lasryMilwaukee -- Today, Alex Lasry released his new “Strengthening Our Rural Economies” plan to help revitalize and invest in rural economies across Wisconsin. Lasry’s plan focuses on attracting and retaining new workers to move into our rural communities, reshoring manufacturing and improving supply chains, saving Wisconsin’s small farms and dairy legacy, and more.

Lasry’s full plan can be found here:

“I want to help bring real change and real results for the people of Wisconsin and that starts with putting more money back in the pockets of rural, hard-working Wisconsinites,” said Lasry. “I hope to be a partner to Senator Baldwin in the Senate, and through the right mix of job training, tax deductions and incentives, investing in and buying American, and strengthening our unions – we will bring more jobs and investment back to rural Wisconsin.

“This plan at its core is about investing more in our rural, working families. We all know Wisconsin families right now are struggling with rising costs – and my plan will have a direct effect on easing supply chain problems, help lower inflationary pressure on prices, and help create more jobs in every part of the state.”

Rural Wisconsinites have been faced with a population loss, a shrinking labor pool, and limited access to career training and opportunity. In too many cases, young workers are leaving rural Wisconsin, often driven by the growing problem of limited rural jobs, which then drives even less workforce availability for prospective employers. America has been in a race to the bottom where we have incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas and produce products for the lowest price possible, no matter what the consequences are. Lasry wants to make sure that when government dollars are being spent, they are being used to Buy American goods and help prop up companies that are producing goods and services in America with American labor.

Lasry’s new plan highlights:

  • Retaining, Attracting and Training Rural Workers and Jobs

  • Encouraging Remote Work

  • Capitalizing and Incentivizing Business Location Decisions

  • Re-shoring Manufacturing and Improving Supply Chains

  • Rebuilding Rural Infrastructure

  • Expanding Ethanol Use

  • Expanding Broadband

  • Strengthening Legacy Rural Industries

  • Creating More Access to International Trade

  • Saving Small Farms

  • Securing Wisconsin’s Dairy Legacy

  • Investing in Affordable Rural Housing

  • Improving Access to Rural Healthcare

  • Investing in Rural Legal Representation

  • Ensuring Clean Drinking Water

  • Improving Conservation and Climate Resilience

  • Protecting Our Public Lands

  • Investing in Agricultural Research and Development through the UW-System

Lasry’s campaign has been endorsed by the Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association, Teamsters Joint Council 39, IBEW Local 494, Operating Engineers Local 139, Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers of Wisconsin, and IATSE Local 18.

The Democratic Primary Election for the United States Senate will be held Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. For more information about Alex Lasry’s campaign, visit

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