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Democrats Blast Johnson and GOP for Raising Healthcare Costs PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 25 March 2022 10:19


MADISON, Wis. – Yesterday, on the 12 year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act being signed into law, Democrats across the state blasted Senator Ron Johnson for his repeated self-serving attacks on Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions and those who get their health care through the Marketplace. Johnson has a long history of attacking Wisconsinites’ health care – including lobbying to dismantle the landmark law for years and voting against Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, which lowered health insurance premiums for working families across Wisconsin.

In Madison, voters, health care advocates, and legislators rallied outside of Johnson’s office:

WKOW: Democrats, supporters of Obamacare rally on 12th anniversary of passage

“On Wednesday, those who support the ACA, also known as Obamacare, rallied at Republican Senator Ron Johnson's office to mark 12 years since federal lawmakers passed the legislation. Johnson has been a staunch opponent of Obamacare since launching his political career in 2010.

“Over the following decade, Republican efforts to repeal the ACA have failed. At Wednesday's rally, one woman said that without Obamacare, the treatment she and her daughter need for their autoimmune diseases would put them over their cap within a year.”

In La Crosse, Congressman Ron Kind and State Senator Brad Pfaff spoke with a Wisconsinite with pre-existing conditions about what the ACA means to her and her family:

WIZM: Area Democrats join call to protect Affordable Care Act, approved 12 years ago

“Democrats in Wisconsin are celebrating 12 years since the signing of the Affordable Care Act, and saying they still hope to expand access to health care under that law.

“In La Crosse, Congressman Ron Kind and State Senator Brad Pfaff met with reporters, and Kind said that many members of Congress, including Senator Ron Johnson, are still trying to repeal the act known as Obamacare.”

Milwaukee Representative Gwen Moore also spoke about how the GOP’s goal of repealing the ACA would be disastrous for families:

Public News Service: On 12-Year Anniversary of ACA, Wisconsinites Discuss its Impacts

“Eliminating the ACA has been a yearslong fight for Republican lawmakers in Washington; including Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who told Breitbart it should be one of the GOP's priorities should it retake Congress and the White House.

“Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., said in a news conference Wednesday, the ACA has been a critical lifeline for many during the pandemic. ‘And repealing the ACA, it would leave Wisconsin residents without the lifeline they need for crucial medicine, checkups and preventive screening,’ Moore outlined.”

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