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Lasry Releases Economic Plan PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Alex Lasry Press   
Thursday, 03 February 2022 09:41

union-workersDemocratic Candidate for Senate wants to Raise Wages and Put More Money Back in Working People’s Pockets

Milwaukee - Wednesday, Alex Lasry released his new plan to help raise wages and put more money back into the pockets of working Wisconsinites. Lasry’s plan calls for changes to corporate tax incentives, promoting organized labor, making education more affordable, and the passage of Senator Tammy Baldwin’s Made in America Act.

Lasry’s full plan can be found here:

alex-lasry“I want to help bring real change and real results for the people of Wisconsin and that starts with putting more money back in the pockets of hard-working Wisconsinites,” said Lasry. “Through the right mix of job training, tax deductions and incentives, investing in and buying American, and strengthening our unions, we can raise wages and bring more jobs and investment to Wisconsin.”

Lasry pointed to his history of working with the Milwaukee Bucks on building the Bucks arena, sourcing 80% of materials for the arena sourced from Wisconsin, and leading the effort to bring the DNC Convention to Milwaukee.

working-poor“I have a proven track record of delivering for Wisconsinites,” Lasry continued. “Whether it’s creating good union jobs, paying a $15-dollar minimum wage, and investing in and helping grow Wisconsin's economy. I don’t just talk about the issues; I have delivered on them.”

The release of this plan comes on the heels of Lasry’s campaign announcing that it had reported more than $2 million in receipts for Q4 2021 and more than $5 million since he entered the race, far outpacing his opponents in the Democratic primary.

Lasry’s campaign has been endorsed by the Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association, Teamsters Joint Council 39, IBEW Local 494, Operating Engineers Local 139, and IATSE Local 18.

The Democratic Primary Election for the United States Senate will be held Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. For more information about Alex Lasry’s campaign, visit

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