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WisDems Launch TV Ad Against Rebecca Kleefisch For Violent, Divisive Rhetoric PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Wednesday, 12 January 2022 17:48

rebecca-kleefisch-rallyKleefisch: “We have to pay mercenaries… because our army must be bigger.”

MADISON, Wis. — The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is launching a TV ad against Rebecca Kleefisch’s violent, divisive rhetoric. Kleefisch has called for building an “army” of “paid fighters” and “mercenaries,” as well as asking supporters if they were ready to have their “knives out.” Violent language only leads to violence — just look at the January 6th insurrection.

Kleefisch’s radical agenda for our state will only escalate the deep divisions in our country. She has vowed to sign extreme changes to our election laws, and hasn’t ruled out allowing the state legislature to overturn election results, should the GOP not like the outcome of the 2024 election. Radical Rebecca is hinting that she would be on board with a coup, as long as it benefits her political party.

The ad comes on the heels of Kleefisch’s first TV buy of the cycle – a misleading attempt to smear Gov. Evers on education –  and more than doubles the measly amount sources say her campaign spent.

It’s clear: Rebecca Kleefisch is too radical and divisive for Wisconsin. The ad begins airing Tuesday.

Click here to watch the ad.

“As we’ve seen from the unprecedented far-right violence over the past year, no good can come from a politician calling to build an army or prepare for bloodshed. Wisconsinites are tired of politicians deliberately trying to divide our communities, but that’s exactly what Rebecca Kleefisch is doing with statements like these," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “Kleefisch’s divisive language is downright dangerous, and her selfish pursuit for political power will always come before her loyalty to our country. She’s too radical for Wisconsin.”

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