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Ron Johnson’s Continued COVID Disinformation Campaign PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 06 January 2022 11:05

ron-johnsonWhat they’re saying about it in the press.

MADISON, Wis. – Ron Johnson is continuing to spread disinformation about COVID and the vaccine to distract from his many failures as a Senator. Johnson’s disinformation hinders medical professionals and prolongs business owners’ ability to recover from the pandemic. Check out coverage about Johnson’s most recent COVID comments:

The Washington Post: “Johnson is saying that the way to not get sick is to ... get sick. Makes sense. Put another way, Johnson’s argument is the equivalent of saying that you don’t need to wear a bulletproof vest if you instead simply let your torso be perforated by a cannonball. No one’s going to shoot you in the stomach if your stomach has already been shot away! Checkmate, libs.”

HuffPo: “During a familiar rant Monday on a conservative radio show about the merits of relying on the body’s ‘natural immunity’ to COVID-19 after being infected with the virus, the senator asked, ‘Why do we assume that the body’s natural immune system isn’t the marvel that it is?’…Twitter was flooded with notes on his flimsy logic. For one, vaccines have been proved safe and reliable to prevent COVID-19 infection. Getting sick with COVID-19 has not been, and it could result in severe illness or death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people who have already had COVID-19 should still get a coronavirus vaccine because the shots are much more reliable and effective than natural immunity.”

MSNBC: “First, when Johnson talks about ‘natural immunity,’ he's describing an approach to a public health crisis in which people get infected with a dangerous contagion and then develop immunity to the virus as a result of the infection. Part of the problem with this is that many people who get infected with the coronavirus die. That should be a strong incentive to avoid such a health care strategy. Another part of the problem is that there's a safer solution: There are safe, effective, and free vaccines readily available. Instead of protecting yourself from Covid-19 by getting infected with Covid-19 — in the process, running the risk of serious illness or death — you can get vaccinated. Again, this really isn't that complicated.”

MSNBC: “Johnson's question seems rooted in the idea that if a form of protection [vaccine] doesn't offer a 100 percent guarantee of success, then it's worthless. That's not how reality works. Birth control isn't 100 percent effective, but it's still a responsible thing to take advantage of to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Similarly, seat belts aren't 100 percent effective in saving lives in serious car accidents, but that doesn't mean they're useless. Your odds of surviving a crash are vastly improved if you buckle up…Johnson has also spent months desperately trying to undermine public confidence in the vaccines people need to get in order to properly deal with the Covid threat.”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “It didn't take long for the medical establishment to take note that Johnson failed to mention the fact that vaccinations greatly reduce the risk of hospitalization or death. ‘I’d say that he’s so misguided that it makes me wonder whether this is all just an act,’ responded Jonathan Reiner, the medical analyst for CNN. ‘And if this is not an act, then he is just the most ignorant man in the United States Senate. And that says a lot.’”

Raw Story: "Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) this week doubled down on his campaign to promote the so-called 'natural immunity' that occurs after one has been infected by Covid-19…Public health experts recommended vaccinations for most people regardless of previous Covid-19 infections."

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 January 2022 11:11
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