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Governor Evers Vetoes Republicans’ Rigged Maps PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 18 November 2021 10:59

vote-47MADISON, Wis. -- Today, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers vetoed the GOP’s partisan redistricting plan, defending our democracy and right to vote in a free and fair election. Wisconsin’s GOP-controlled legislature passed rigged maps, in an attempt to cement their legislative majorities for another decade.

Wisconsinites overwhelmingly support nonpartisan redistricting. Over the last several years, 55 Wisconsin counties, representing nearly 83 percent of Wisconsin residents, have either held referendum votes or have had resolutions approved by a county board supporting nonpartisan redistricting.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“With Governor Evers’s veto, the Republican attempt to re-gerrymander our state and thwart our democracy has slammed into a brick wall. Governor Tony Evers has demonstrated once more that he is the last line of defense against anti-democratic attacks. Republican legislators in Wisconsin have lost sight of how a democracy works — voters are supposed to choose their elected officials, not the other way around. The process of drawing legislative maps should be fair, transparent, and nonpartisan, but as we’ve seen, Republicans will stop at nothing to hold onto power.

“We’re still paying the price for last decade’s rigged Republican maps, which were drawn behind closed doors by GOP politicians without any public input. Ever since the people of Wisconsin elected Governor Eversin 2018, Republican legislators have used their gerrymandered majorities to block and obstruct the people’s agenda — and at times have not even shown up to their jobs as legislators.

“A decade of life in Wisconsin under Republican gerrymandering has made clear that it’s time that Wisconsin receives the fair maps it deserves. Gov. Evers vetoed these bills because he is committed to fair maps that are crafted transparently — not maps created by political insiders and lobbyists that allow Republicans to maintain their gerrymandered grip on Wisconsin.”

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