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WisDems Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 16 September 2021 09:06

hispanic-heritage-month-flMADISON, Wis. -- Wednesday marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, a celebration of the rich and diverse Hispanic and Latin American cultures that have shaped our country and state.

In partnership with President Biden, Governor Evers, Sen. Baldwin, and Reps. Kind, Moore, and Pocan, WisDems will continue to advocate for the Build Back Better agenda which is delivering for Hispanic families across Wisconsin by providing essential pandemic relief, investing in our state’s infrastructure, and protecting the right to vote. Our Wisconsin Legislative Latino Caucus and WisDems Latino Caucus continue to inspire the next generation of Latino leaders in Wisconsin and remind us of the importance of uplifting Latino voices in Wisconsin politics.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Interim Executive Director Devin Remiker released the following statement:

“This month, and every month, we recognize the achievements and contributions of Wisconsin’s Latino and Hispanic community. We must continue to work towards a more inclusive and equitable future. Our diversity is our strength and this month is another reminder to stop and recognize the accomplishments of our Latino friends, neighbors, and community leaders.

“Members of the Wisconsin Latino and Hispanic community represent the very best of Wisconsin’s values -- from business owners to activists, doctors, servicemembers, and dedicated community members. We recognize your profound impact on our state and know your successes will continue to benefit Wisconsin."

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 September 2021 09:36
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