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Rebecca Kleefisch Announces Campaign for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 10 September 2021 08:27

rebecca-kleefisch-1848planWisDems launch website highlighting Kleefisch’s record that’s radically wrong for Wisconsin.

MADISON, Wis. -- Today, Rebecca Kleefisch officially announced she will run for governor in 2022. Kleefisch, Scott Walker’s former lieutenant governor, is radically wrong for Wisconsin with an extreme and dangerous agenda that will hurt Wisconsinites just as our state is bouncing back from the pandemic.

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has launched, along with a paid media campaign, so Wisconsinites can see for themselves how Kleefisch’s actions have already hurt our state and the radical agenda she would implement as governor of Wisconsin. There will also be a mobile billboard at Kleefisch’s Waukesha County announcement beginning at 8:00 AM this morning highlighting the new website.

Kleefisch’s radically wrong record includes:

  • Creating an economy that left working families behind, rubber-stamping the largest government handout to a foreign company in American history while drastically underfunding schools and road projects across Wisconsin.
  • Spreading careless misinformation on COVID-19 – including the unproven hydroxychloroquine treatment – and frequently attending or hosting potential superspreader events where masks were not required.
  • Jeopardizing health care coverage for Wisconsinites by supporting the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which would have stripped protections for 2.4 million Wisconsinites living with pre-existing conditions, and refusing to expand BadgerCare, which still blocks 90,000 Wisconsinites from affordable health care today.
  • Making derogatory and outrageous comments and spreading false information, including two “lies of the year.”

Read more about Radical Rebecca’s dangerous, extreme views here.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“Radical Rebecca Kleefisch is too extreme for Wisconsin. During her tenure as lieutenant governor, Kleefisch championed far-right policies that hurt Wisconsinites and eviscerated protections for workers. Alongside Gov. Scott Walker, Kleefisch railed against affordable health care expansion, gutted funding for public education, and slashed rights for workers, resulting in a historic teacher shortage and massive inequalities between school districts.

“Kleefisch has fully embraced radical extremism - spreading misleading information about COVID-19 and vaccines, buying into conspiracy theories about the election, and using inappropriate, inflammatory rhetoric that disqualifies her from being governor. Kleefisch is the wrong person for this moment. She wants to drag Wisconsin backwards to the failed days of the Scott Walker era, and has shown she can’t be trusted to follow science and listen to the experts in a crisis.

“Governor Evers’ steady leadership has made Wisconsin stronger. Not only has he led us through some of the toughest challenges we’ve ever faced, his bold solutions are going to make sure Wisconsin bounces back from the pandemic better than ever. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is energized and ready to re-elect Governor Evers next year - and send the last of Scott Walker’s acolytes packing.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 September 2021 08:42
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