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Ron Johnson Faces Backlash Over Loyalty to Biggest Campaign Donors PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 19 August 2021 08:45

ron-johnsonUihleins, Diane Hendricks, and Johnson himself made big money on 2017 tax cut, media reports.

Madison, Wis. -- Ron Johnson continues to face backlash across Wisconsin after a report showed that he worked hard to pass an amendment to the 2017 GOP Tax Scam bill that benefitted himself and his two biggest campaign donors. Dick and Liz Uihlein and Diane Hendricks, who donated a combined $20 million to Johnson’s 2016 re-election, have received $215 million in tax handouts so far, and are projected to receive a total of roughly half a billion dollars over eight years thanks to Johnson’s efforts.

Read more on how Wisconsin is reacting to Johnson’s latest scandal:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Nobody's senator but theirs: Ron Johnson's backroom dealing shows who he's working for. It's not you: A blockbuster scoop by ProPublica on Wednesday makes crystal clear who Ron Johnson represents: He is the senator for the ultra-wealthy...Though he tried to defend himself on Wednesday, Johnson’s secret, closed-door maneuvering on the tax bill is one more reason he’s unfit to represent Wisconsin citizens. The sooner he's removed from office, the better for our democratic republic...The tax deal helped deliver $215 million in deductions for the two families...They got quite a return on their investment — Johnson proved to be the best senator money could buy.

The Cap Times: Ron Johnson is a crook: Ron Johnson is not the only con artist in the U.S. Senate. But he stands out as the senator whose grifting costs taxpayers — in Wisconsin and nationwide — the most...Johnson, who was worth around $40 million before the pandemic, has a long record of voting for legislation that benefits the owners of so-called “limited-liability” corporations, like the one he owns with his wife.

The Shepherd Express: Ron Johnson and the Billionaire Gang: Rather than standing up for mom-and-pop small businesses like dry cleaners, repair shops and corner grocery stores, millionaire Johnson was simply grabbing a bigger tax cut for four not-very-small businesses he and his wife owned in Oshkosh...They’re still among the most unpopular tax cuts ever passed by Congress among voters in both political parties as well as independents...In the latest Marquette University Law School poll, Johnson’s popularity had declined with only 35% of registered voters statewide viewing him favorably, not very promising for his re-election prospects in the midterms. That was even before taxpayers found out Johnson pulled the Great Treasury Robbery for the billionaire gang.

The Nation: Ron Johnson Does the Bidding of the Ultra-Rich: [Johnson’s] his most ambitious legislative endeavors have often involved the augmenting of the bank accounts of his political benefactors...As the political outsider has become a political careerist, he has expanded his grifting to serve the interests of those who have kept him in office up to this point.

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