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Rebecca Kleefisch’s Shadow Campaign For Governor Still Evading Scrutiny PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 16 July 2021 10:06

rebecca-kleefischMADISON - Thursday, while campaigns across Wisconsin filed their finance reports and disclosed their donors, likely GOP candidate Rebecca Kleefisch continued to avoid transparency by running for governor through her “nonprofit” organization, the 1848 Project.

Kleefisch has made no secret of the fact that she is a candidate for governor, telling a reporter “you’re not wrong” when asked if she was running. By running her campaign through this shadow group, Kleefisch is avoiding the scrutiny that comes from being an announced candidate. Without disclosing her donors, Wisconsin voters have no idea what individuals, corporations, or special interests are funding her campaign across the state.

In addition to Kleefisch’s comments confirming her intent to run for governor, the 1848 Project has done little to hide its true purpose. For example, she has hired political operatives for key roles in the organization and ran multiple radio ads directly attacking Gov. Evers on a range of issues.

An IRS complaint has been filed against Kleefisch’s “nonprofit” organization. In the meantime, Kleefisch still owes Wisconsinites answers about her dark money group:

  • When will the 1848 Project’s donors be disclosed publicly?
  • What expenditures has the 1848 Project made to raise Kleefisch’s profile across the state?
  • What role do partisan political operatives play in the 1848 Project?
  • When Kleefisch announces her run for governor, will she disband the 1848 Project, or will it continue to act as a dark money organization to support her candidacy?

“While other candidates have been required to file financial reports, Rebecca Kleefisch has tried to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and evade the same level of scrutiny as an announced candidate,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Rapid Response Director Kayla Anderson. “Kleefisch isn’t fooling anyone - it’s obvious the 1848 Project is a gubernatorial campaign in disguise. Kleefisch needs to disclose who is funding this shadow campaign and what role these GOP political hacks are playing in it. Wisconsinites deserve nothing less than full transparency.”

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