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Wisconsinites Call Out Ron Johnson’s Dangerous COVID-19 Disinformation PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 25 June 2021 13:31

ron-johnsonDisinformation campaign and attacks on the ACA put Wisconsinites' health at risk say Doctors.

Madison, Wis. -- Today, on a virtual press call, Dr. Jeff Huebner, Dr. Joanna Bisgrove, and Laura French, who lost her mother to COVID-19, called out Ron Johnson for continually putting Wisconsinites' health at risk by spreading dangerous COVID-19 disinformation and attacks on the Affordable Care Act.

Dr. Jeff Huebner: “Senator Johnson -- take your own advice: you’re not a doctor, so stop giving medical advice that is putting lives in danger. Wisconsin deserves a senator who will listen to the truth and science, and put public health first -- that’s not Ron Johnson, and we should vote him out of office in November 2022.”

Dr. Joanna Bisgrove: “Johnson has constantly voted against the Affordable Care Act, and even brought a lawsuit against it that was dismissed because he had no standing. And then he appealed the dismissal -- he just won’t stop.”

Laura French: “Watching Ron Johnson continue to undermine the perils of COVID-19 is a disservice to all those who lost their lives and the struggle we still face getting this virus fully under control.”

You can watch the full event here.

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