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AFL-CIO, UAW Leaders Blast Johnson PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 17 June 2021 09:05

ron-johnsonSenator Ron Johnson is criticized by union officials for trying to Kill US Innovation and Competition Act, siding with China over Wisconsinites

Madison, Wis. -- Wednesday, on a virtual press call AFL-CIO state president Stephanie Bloomingdale, and International Serving Representative for UAW Region 4 Anthony Rainey blasted Senator Ron Johnson for siding with China over Wisconsinites in trying to “kill” the bipartisan U.S. Innovation and Competition Act.

Johnson did everything in his power to block the bill, which invests in Wisconsin’s workers, manufacturers, and 5G broadband, as well as holds China accountable for their cyber security attacks, intellectual property theft, and economic rigging.

You can watch the full event here and see highlights of what the speakers said below:

AFL-CIO state president Stephanie Bloomingdale: “Ron Johnson from Wisconsin turned his back on workers...We know that if this [U.S. Innovation and Competition Act] were another multi-trillion dollar tax handout Johnson would have once again been standing there ready to accept that and pushing that bill...When Ron Johnson took to the floor of the United States Senate to block this bill he did China’s bidding — he stood with an adversary and not the people he was elected to represent: us in Wisconsin … It is time that Ron Johnson be held accountable for these actions...Ron Johnson serves a constituency of one: himself, and we need to hold him accountable for working people in this state … The fact that Ron Johnson turned his back on workers, turned his back on America -- he’s unpatriotic.”

International Serving Representative for UAW Region 4 Anthony Rainey: “Our state has a proud history of manufacturing and labor, and we have a workforce that is ready to take on the challenge of being a primary producer of “Made In America” products. But what’s gotten in the way of progress is elected officials like Ron Johnson —  someone who seems far more concerned with serving himself than serving Wisconsinites. It’s clear that as someone who has every advantage in life, Johnson couldn't care less about people who struggle every day to get by … He had no problem pushing through Trump’s multi-trillion dollar tax bill after he got an amendment added that benefited himself and his corporation … We know he doesn’t represent us in Washington, only himself, and in 2022 we deserve a United States Senator who will fight for Wisconsin workers and families.”

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