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WisDems on Republicans Gutting Popular, Bipartisan Policies from Gov. Evers’ Budget PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 07 May 2021 09:57

robin-vos-is-safe-to-voteLegislative Republicans Continue Political Games With Vote Against Medicaid Expansion, Marijuana Legalization, Clean Drinking Water

MADISON -- Today, Wisconsin Republicans continued playing political games with our state’s recovery and the lives of Wisconsin’s families as they voted to gut Gov. Tony Evers’ Badger Bounceback budget plan, removing common-sense policies supported by the majority of Wisconsinites including expanding access to quality health care, legalizing and taxing marijuana, and ensuring clean drinking water.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“Governor Evers’ Badger Bounceback is a bold, bipartisan plan to address the big problems facing Wisconsin and make sure our state bounces back stronger than ever before. Today, Republicans voted to rip apart policies that Wisconsin families urgently need. The GOP’s decisions will slow down Wisconsin’s recovery and hurt the very people the legislature is supposed to represent.

“Over the past couple months, Republicans in the legislature have treated Wisconsin’s pandemic recovery as a political game instead of an opportunity to  build a stronger Wisconsin for decades to come. From the start, they have wholly dismissed proposals that have broad, bipartisan support from Wisconsinites. They have tried every political stunt imaginable. Fundamentally, Republican lawmakers are not listening to their constituents. People across the state, regardless of political affiliation, support the Badger Bounceback, including expanding access to health care, legalizing and taxing marijuana, ensuring clean drinking water, and instituting universal background checks.

“It’s no surprise that the governor’s agenda reflects what the people of Wisconsin want: the Governor, unlike the GOP, actually asked them. Governor Evers spent time listening to folks across the state before the budget was written. He put in the time and effort to understand how we can address the big problems and meet the needs of our families and small businesses. Now, the legislature has a choice: they can keep playing political games, delaying action, and slowing Wisconsin’s recovery, or they can finally work with Governor Evers and Democrats to get this done.”

Wisconsinites support major aspects of the governor’s Badger Bounceback agenda:

  • 70 percent of Wisconsinites support expanding BadgerCare – that would mean more families able to access quality health coverage, and bringing $1.6 billion in federal tax dollars back to Wisconsin over the next two years.
  • 58 percent of the state supports legalizing marijuana, and taxing it like we already do alcohol. That would mean $165 million in tax revenue each year for the state and funds that can be reinvested in our communities.
  • 55 percent want to see increased investment in our K-12 public schools. Not only that, but restoring the state’s two-thirds funding commitment has also been backed by a Republican-led bipartisan commission.
  • 80 percent of Wisconsin voters support universal background checks for those buying firearms, including at gun shows. Governor Evers’ plan takes action to increase gun safety by finally getting this done and also implementing red flag laws to keep our communities safe.
Last Updated on Saturday, 08 May 2021 10:14
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