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WisDems Critical of Mike Gallagher on American Jobs Plan Vote PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 16 April 2021 19:55

mike-gallagher-speaksGallagher believes taxpayer dollars would be better spent buying Greenland than fixing Wisconsin infrastructure, say Democrats.

“Methinks [...] that you could buy Greenland, for that money [...] you could certainly install pull up bars in every airport in America, thereby solving the health crisis in America.”

MADISON -- On The Dispatch’s Remnant podcast yesterday, Rep. Mike Gallagher brushed off the problems faced by struggling Wisconsinites, calling the American Jobs Plan “insane” and joking that taxpayer dollars would be better spent annexing Greenland and putting pull-up bars in every airport [13:38].

The infrastructure bill Gallagher thinks is “insane” includes desperately needed funding to fix highways, roads, and bridges; deliver clean drinking water and high-speed broadband to everyone; upgrade veterans’ hospitals; invest in child care and elder care; revitalize manufacturing; and create good paying jobs.

Poll after poll after poll finds that the overwhelming majority of Americans — including Republicans — support these common sense investments. Yet Gallagher smugly mocks them with lame jokes about Greenland and pull-up bars — managing to also dismiss America’s health care challenges in the process. [13:30]

“This is why Democrats won in 2020 - out of touch Republicans like Mike Gallagher just don’t understand the problems facing American families today. What’s completely ‘insane’ is Gallagher minimizing the challenges facing Wisconsinites,” said DPW Rapid Response Director Kayla Anderson. “Maybe instead of making fun of the infrastructure bill, he should come up with some actual policy ideas of his own - pull-up bars in airports don’t count.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 April 2021 10:12
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