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Agard Statement on Supreme Court Decision PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 01 April 2021 11:47

coronavirus-mask3-jennifer-aniston-skynewsMADISON – Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement Wednesday after the Wisconsin Supreme Court blocked Governor Evers’ lifesaving mask mandate:

melissa-agard-sargent“The Wisconsin Supreme Court's decision to eliminate the mask mandate will make Wisconsin less safe and more prone to another wave of COVID-19. This ruling was flawed on its merits and wrong in its understanding of the nature of a global pandemic. A public health crisis on the scale of COVID is something that is constantly changing. Ruling that each successive public health emergency was the same as the last is missing the fluid nature of a situation that requires consistent, responsive leadership like Governor Evers has exhibited for the past year.

“We have already lost too many lives, over 6,500 of our friends and neighbors, to this virus. It’s sad that Republicans chose to fight COVID-19 in court rather than bringing forward science-based policies to slow the spread.

“I will continue wearing my mask. I am asking everyone in Wisconsin to continue wearing your mask in public. While I am deeply disappointed by today's politically motivated decision by the Supreme Court, we can end this pandemic if we continue acting out of compassion and care for others. Wisconsin should be grateful for Governor Evers' commitment to public health and safety throughout this crisis. It is clear his actions saved countless lives.”

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