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What's The Deal With Rebecca Kleefisch's 1848 Project? PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Friday, 19 March 2021 09:32

rebecca-kleefisch-1848plan-sowiKleefisch Spokesperson and Longtime GOP Operative Alec Zimmerman Compares Gov. Evers To Jeffrey Dahmer

MADISON -- Rebecca Kleefisch wasn’t fooling anybody when she formed a conservative “think tank” and stocked it with longtime GOP political operatives like Alec Zimmerman. Kleefisch’s 1848 Project is all about the worst kind of politics, as evidenced by Zimmerman’s recent comparison of Gov. Evers to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Anywhere else, Zimmerman’s foul political attack would be immediately repudiated, but at the 1848 Project, comparing the governor to a sadistic killer is apparently business as usual.

If Rebecca Kleefisch is serious about “pioneering a better tomorrow” -- as the 1848 Project claims -- she must reject the divisive politics of the Walker years and hold Alec Zimmerman accountable for his tasteless and offensive political attack. As someone who purports to be traveling the state and listening to people, Rebecca Kleefisch should know that Jeffrey Dahmer’s unspeakable crimes touched families and communities across our state. She and Alec Zimmerman owe them an apology.

Read more Rebecca Kleefisch’s refusal to even comment on Alec Zimmerman’s gross political attack on Urban Milwaukee or find an excerpt below:

“Former Republican Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch is planning a run for governor as Urban Milwaukee reported in September. But it’s been a very quiet campaign. Kleefisch has had little to say about the state mask mandate or other pandemic restrictions or about Republican challenges to the Wisconsin presidential election results. She has resolutely avoided controversy and stayed under the radar, forming a non-political sounding entity, the 1848 Project, to build support for her candidacy.

“So it was more than a little odd to see her top communications person, Alec Zimmerman, offer this tweet on March 10, in response to a news item that Gov. Tony Evers would ‘host 6 Virtual Badger Bounceback Sessions with focus on economic recovery.’

“Said Zimmerman: ‘This is like Jeffrey Dahmer walking into a morgue surprised and asking how all the bodies got here.’

“Anna Kelly, Communications Director of Republican Party of Wisconsin, liked the comment so much that she re-tweeted it. 


“As for the Kleefisch campaign, the silence was deafening. Charles Nichols, executive director of the 1848 Project, declined to comment or to connect Urban Milwaukee to Kleefisch for comment. Scott Jensen, the former Republican Assembly Speaker who has been a campaign strategist for Kleefisch since she was first elected Lt. Governor, said he didn’t follow Twitter, didn’t know anything about it and therefore couldn’t comment."

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