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Stubbs On Senate Joint Resolution 3 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Friday, 05 February 2021 14:58

covid-19-vaccination-65New Madison legislator says GOP repeal of the statewide mask order will risk the lives of Wisconsinites and jeopardize our progress against this terrible virus.

MADISON- Yesterday, the Wisconsin State Assembly voted to end the statewide mask mandate, and the statewide public health emergency. Upon this vote, Representative Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement:

shelia-stubbs“COVID-19 has run rampant in Wisconsin, leaving holes in our community that will be felt for generations. Yesterday, my Democratic colleagues and I voted in support of public health, and against partisan obstruction. I am appalled that my Republican colleagues decided to prioritize political attacks above meaningful COVID-19 relief.”

“Repealing the current public health emergency order has needlessly risked millions in Foodshare dollars. Thousands of Wisconsinites will now face worsened food insecurity because of this hasty and ill thought out action. If we want to see an end to the COVID-19 crisis, we need to prioritize funding programs that will help families survive through this difficult time.”

“In addition, the repeal of the statewide mask order will allow COVID-19 to continue to plague our communities, and risk the health of our neighbors. Masks are a proven, scientific, and reasonable way to stop the spread of COVID-19. It is vital that we continue to support the mask mandate, and all measures that prioritize public health.”

“Ultimately, these actions will risk the lives of Wisconsinites and jeopardize our progress against this terrible virus. As your representative, I will continue to fight for meaningful COVID-19 relief, and for the health and wellbeing of our community.”

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