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Report Finds Wisconsin Roads in Poor or Mediocre Condition PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Wednesday, 19 September 2018 09:40

road-potholesLatest report highlights state’s crumbling infrastructure.

MADISON, WI – A report from TRIP, a national transportation group, highlighted what many drivers already know: Wisconsin roads are in bad shape. Gov. Walker and legislative Republicans’ failure to create a long-term funding solution and their decision to divert up to $90 million from state highway maintenance to fund Foxconn-related projects has left over half of major locally and state-maintained roads in poor or mediocre condition.

jennifer-shilling-lc“For years Republicans have prioritized tax breaks for the wealthy that syphon money away from our crumbling roads and bridges,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse. “Families and businesses in Wisconsin are furious that our roads are among the worst in the nation. The condition of our state highways are a national embarrassment. It’s costing everyone more in car repairs and traffic delays, not to mention the ongoing risk drivers face when traveling over dangerous roads and bridges.”

The report also stressed that economic opportunities and growth in Wisconsin could be severely impacted. TRIP notes that the design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure supports over 64,000 full time jobs in Wisconsin. Additionally, delaying road and bridge projects will accelerate deterioration and significantly increase costs in the long-term. For every $1 of deferred maintenance on roads and bridges, taxpayers are estimated to pay an additional $4 to $5 in future repairs.

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