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Milwaukee and Dane County Democratic Parties: “All Cities Matter” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Milwaukee County, Shyla Deacon   
Friday, 09 November 2018 15:19

mc-courthouse-jailThe voters of Wisconsin on Tuesday clearly relegated the politics of 'divide and conquer' to the dustbin of history. Speaker Vos should work with Governor-Elect Evers to build a bipartisan partnership.

MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee and Dane Democratic Party County Chairs Christopher Walton and Michael Basford released a statement slamming Assembly Speaker Robin Vos for his remarks saying that state legislative maps weren’t meant to represent Milwaukee & Madison.

robin-vos“Speaker Vos is even more tone deaf than we ever thought possible. He had the audacity to say that the state isn’t gerrymandered because, "If you took Madison and Milwaukee out of the formula, we (republicans) would have a clear majority." Milwaukee and Madison are as much part of Wisconsin as Racine, Onalaska, Green Bay, and Plover.

How frankly racist of the Speaker to say that if you get rid of the areas where about 95% of the African American people in the state live we’d have a Republican state legislature. But we all know that erasure is primary focus of the Republican Party platform.

As the Chairs of the Democratic Parties of Milwaukee and Dane Counties, We believe that the voters of Wisconsin on Tuesday clearly relegated the politics of 'divide and conquer' to the dustbin of history. If Robin Vos spent more time listening to all voters in Wisconsin than continuing to further divide Wisconsinite against Wisconsinite, perhaps his party wouldn't need this extreme gerrymandering to hold onto what power it has left. Speaker Vos work with Governor-Elect Evers to build a bipartisan partnership rather than continue that divide and conquer politics of the last 8 years.”


Christopher Walton, Democratic Party of Milwaukee County

Michael Basford, Democratic Party of Dane County

Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2018 15:40
Election Results Underscore Urgent Need to End Partisan Gerrymandering PDF Print E-mail
Written by Common Cause in Wisconsin, Jay Heck   
Thursday, 08 November 2018 17:29

cc-redistict_2721Evers Election Means Partisan Rigged Maps of 2011 Cannot Be Repeated in 2021.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 November 2018 17:52
Democratic Radio "Democratic Vision for Wisconsin" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Thursday, 08 November 2018 15:00

union-members-at-capitol“Our state does better when we all work together" says Sen. Jennifer Shilling.

MADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting the challenges ahead in 2019 and the Democratic solutions to help Wisconsin families.

“Our state does better when we all work together. Rather than pitting families against one another and favoring out-of-state corporations at the expense of home-grown businesses, we should work to level the playing field and make sure that everyone who works hard has the opportunity to succeed.” Sen. Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling“Hi, I’m State Senator Jennifer Shilling.

“With a new legislative session just around the corner, Senate Democrats are committed to advance clear ideas and a balanced approach to address the challenges facing our state.

“In order to grow our economy, we must invest in our local public schools, support small business growth and build the infrastructure needed to compete in the 21st century. Democrats will continue to push for solutions that grow our middle class, encourage innovation and promote economic opportunities.

“Our state does better when we all work together. Rather than pitting families against one another and favoring out-of-state corporations at the expense of home-grown businesses, we should work to level the playing field and make sure that everyone who works hard has the opportunity to succeed.

“Senate Democrats remain united in the Wisconsin Way Forward that expands access to affordable health care, expands the family medical leave act, and invests in our infrastructure and local public schools.

“These are the issues that impact families across Wisconsin and these are the issues that families want fixed.

Thank you.”

“Godlewski Gets Out The Vote Down Ballot” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 02 November 2018 12:37

godlewski-gets-out-vote-down-ballotWe discuss how important it is to vote on Tuesday, November 6th, the white nationalist terrorist attack in Pittsburgh, the despicable new Trump ad vilifying immigrants, and much more...

STATEWIDE - We welcome Citizen Action coop member Sarah Godlewski who is in the final stretch of her amazing campaign for State Treasurer. Sarah reminds us how important it is to vote all the way down the ballot on Tuesday, November 6th.

We discuss the terrorist attack by a white nationalist in Pittsburgh and how the tragedy is a direct consequence of the hatred sewn by Donald Trump, and the Republican politics of division. We discuss the despicable new Trump ad vilifying immigrants, which some believe is even worse than the infamous Willie Horton ad. We review the new MU Law Poll and discuss the importance of getting involved in GOTV canvassing efforts the last 4 days of the election.

Robert reviews a new Citizen Action report finding that allowing Wisconsinites to buy-into Badgercare as a “Public Option” would slash premiums and deductibles by as much as $24,000 for a family of four. The report also found the healthcare cost gap with Minnesota is widening.

Listen Now - Episode #366
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Ed Wall: Scott Walker Lacks Ethics PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 02 November 2018 08:30

scott-walker-photo-jeramey-jannene-2018-02-09Former Walker Cabinet insider reveals how the Governor’s lack of ethics and continued efforts to conceal the operations of government from public view stopped him and others from providing the best, cost effective services to Wisconsin's citizens.

Last Updated on Friday, 02 November 2018 10:40
Trump and the Politics of Hate PDF Print E-mail
Written by Randall Schumann, Madison   
Thursday, 01 November 2018 16:05

donald-trumpFormer attorney for the State of WI's agency regulating the securities & investment industry says Wisconsin voters, Democrats, Independents and Republicans, need to reject the Trump Politics of Hate.

MADISON - Trump is the personification of the politics of hate. And Wisconsin politicians who seek or accept Trump's endorsement are part of the Trump Politics of Hate "Flock."

Ever since Donald Trump emerged as a Republican candidate and then later became President, he has espoused and led a divisive, "National Politics of Hate." As evidenced by his labeling of Mexicans as "criminals and rapists," by his attacking the entirety of Muslim nations as "terrorists," labeling African nations as "sh**hole countries," enacting a policy of separating families of asylum-seekers, relishing that a grand wizard of the white-supremacist Ku Klux Klan admires and supports Trump's policies, tweeting anti-Semitic images from a right-wing message board, and being an apologist for rioting neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.

pittsburgh-synagogue-shootingAmerica has seen the consequences of Trump's Politics of Hate in the events during the last week of pipe bombs sent by an extremist Trump supporter to prominent Democratic leaders as well as a deadly "hate crime" mass shooting in a Pittsburgh Jewish synagogue. The parallels of Trump's Politics of Hate to the the rise of Nazism under Hitler are striking.

On the basis of the principle everyone knows to be true that "birds of a feather flock together," it follows that every Republican politician who seeks or accepts Trump's endorsement means that they support his Politics of Hate and are willing participants in his "Flock". And that they therefore reject the principles the United States of America was founded upon in the Declaration of Independence that "all persons are created equal with the unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," as well as the protections of the Constitution's Bill of Rights and its subsequent amendments including "equal protection" for all citizens.

As a result, it means that Wisconsin Republican politicians like Scott Walker and Leah Vukmir, as well as any other Republican politician that seeks or accepts Trump's endorsement, are part of the Trump Politics of Hate "Flock." Consequently, voters -- whether they be Democrats, Independents or Republicans -- who reject the Trump Politics of Hate, need to reject in the upcoming election as well as in the future, every politician who seeks or accepts Trump's endorsement.


Randall Schumann is a retired career attorney for the State of WI's agency regulating the securities & investment industry, including investigating & assisting prosecution of criminal investment fraud.

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 November 2018 16:53
Desperate Walker Pouring on the Lies PDF Print E-mail
Written by DGA Press, Melissa Miller   
Thursday, 01 November 2018 14:45

walkerWalker is claiming he would enact the “exact same” protections on pre-existing conditions he’s currently suing to get rid of.

MADISON - Scott Walker’s desperation knows no bounds--this time he’s telling another blatant lie about his work to eliminate protections for the 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.

Despite staking his political career on rolling back the Affordable Care Act, including protections for those with pre-existing conditions, Walker is suddenly claiming he would enact the “exact same” protections he’s currently suing to get rid of.

“Scott Walker’s career is defined by desperate politics and shameless political opportunism,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “His latest lie is no different. Now that health care is the most important issue to Wisconsinites, Walker is playing politics with health care. Wisconsinites deserve a governor who won’t use health care as a political ploy and instead will protect protections for 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 November 2018 15:02
Democratic Radio "Families left behind after eight years of GOP control" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 01 November 2018 14:22

door-county-peopleDemocrats want to expand access to affordable health care, invest in infrastructure and improve workplace flexibility for hardworking Wisconsin families.

MADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting the challenges facing our state after eight years of Republican control.

“Democrats want to expand access to affordable health care, invest in infrastructure and improve workplace flexibility for hardworking Wisconsin families. Together, we can address the sky-rocketing costs of childcare, expand the family medical leave act, provide student loan debt relief, and invest in our local schools.” Sen. Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling-lc“Hi, I’m State Senator Jennifer Shilling.

“While we’ve seen strong national growth over the past few years, Republican policies have cut school funding, delayed road projects, and threatened healthcare coverage for millions of people with preexisting conditions.

“Wisconsin families are working harder than ever but can’t get ahead because Republicans continue to favor the wealthy and foreign corporations. Gov. Walker and legislative Republicans are draining resources from our schools, roads and local communities in order to fund $4.5 billion in taxpayer subsidies to Foxconn.

“Democrats want to expand access to affordable health care, invest in infrastructure and improve workplace flexibility for hardworking Wisconsin families. Together, we can address the sky-rocketing costs of childcare, expand the family medical leave act, protect coverage for people with preexisting conditions, and invest in our local schools.

“I know we can do better. If we want to grow our middle class and help our next generation succeed, we need Democratic leadership to move Wisconsin forward.

Thank you.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 November 2018 15:40
“Election spotlight on ‘Sconie” Battleground Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 27 October 2018 14:36

election-spotlight-on-sconiePanel discusses the upcoming fall election.

This week Wisconsin is ground zero for the 2018 election with the visits of President Trump and Obama. The panel discusses the effort by Trump and Wisconsin Republicans to inject immigration and other conservative issues into an election dominated by GOP failure on healthcare. We encourage listeners to vote early and volunteer on election day or work in at a polling location. We close with a discussion of the State of New York’s lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, saying It deceived shareholders on climate change and the Supreme Court intervening in another climate change lawsuit.

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Dr. Robert Kraig: We Can Win this Election on Healthcare PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Robert Kraig   
Saturday, 27 October 2018 14:14

hcsignmattMILWAUKEE, WI - I am absolutely thrilled with the direction of this election!

At Citizen Action we made a strategic judgement years ago that if we organized to elevate the issue of pre-existing condition discrimination, health care would be a decisive election issue.

Now years of organizing is paying huge political dividends. Here we are in the home stretch of the critical 2018 election, and pre-existing condition discrimination is the driving issue in the Senate and Governor’s races.

Right Wing politicians are in panic mode. Leah Vukmir shockingly claimed in her debate with Tammy Baldwin this week that pre-existing condition discrimination is a “big lie” that never happened. Scott Walker is taking on water on this issue, despite his best efforts to mislead the public record of health care sabotage.

We have them on the run, but we need to keep the pressure on through election day!

I hope I can count on you to make an immediate donation to Citizen Action so we have the resources to tell as many voters as possible that conservative politicians will make pre-existing discrimination legal again.

As I wrote in a strategic memo almost 3 years ago about a term invented by insurance bureaucrats to obscure the truth: What is absolutely astounding about pre-existing conditions is that this seemingly innocuous term seems to be known by virtually every adult.. . . . The idea of someone being denied or thrown off health insurance because they have a medical condition strikes a deep emotional chord in American culture, and seems deeply immoral to most people.”

The new Marquette Law School poll released on Wednesday backs us up on this. It shows a stunning 93% of likely Wisconsin voters think pre-existing condition discrimination is an important issue heading into the election.

No wonder Scott Walker, Leah Vukmir, and all the right-wing Legislators who are locked in tight re-election fights, are terrified.

If you agree with me that pre-existing condition discrimination can help us bring down Scott Walker and hLeah Vukmir, and shift control of the Legislature, please chip in whatever can to support our work.

In Peace & Solidarity,

Dr. Robert Kraig

Executive Director

P.S. We are also building support or constructive solutions to the health care cost crisis. We are the driving force behind the BadgerCare Public Option bill, which Tony Evers strongly supports. The BadgerCare Public Option is a big stepping stone towards the ultimate solution, Medicare for All.

Last Updated on Saturday, 27 October 2018 14:30
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