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K-C Deal Isn’t an Economic Development Strategy Says Larson, It's an Extortion PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Friday, 14 December 2018 17:29

kc-layoff-wbayMILWAUKEE - Scott Walker continues to make the case for why he should no longer be Governor and why we should move up the inauguration of state elected officials to immediately after elections are certified.

To be clear, this $25 million extortion of Wisconsin taxpayers through WEDC is happening for Kimberly-Clark because this highly profitable company threatened Wisconsin jobs and they are still going to fire workers. Kimberly-Clark posted a staggering $3.3 billion operating profit just last year, had their federal tax rate cut from 35.7% to 19.2% just last year, then callously decided to cut jobs and shutter plants just last year.

chris_larsonTheir total contribution to state taxes was $1 over the last four years. But, when they saw Governor Walker and Republicans pay through the nose for Foxconn, they decided to squeeze us for even more.

This isn’t an economic development strategy, this is an extortion.

By paying this ransom to a profitable corporation, Republican economic mismanagement opens Wisconsin up to further extortion from other profitable companies. As of 2017 there were 733 other businesses in Wisconsin with similar employment numbers as Kimberly-Clark. Each of them are watching what is happening. They’d be silly not to threaten to leave unless they get a handout from us, too. If we go down this path, the total lost could exceed our states biennial budget. We need to stop investing in companies that aren’t invested in us. Instead, we need to invest in our neighbors through K-12, higher ed, and apprenticeships. We cannot afford to continue to go down this road of corporate handouts.


Senator Chris Larson released this statement today regarding the $25 million handout to Kimberly-Clark.

Last Updated on Friday, 14 December 2018 17:40
“Listening to people” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 14 December 2018 09:28

listening-to-peopleWe discuss the scandalous GOP lame duck, budget listening sessions with Tony Evers, the coming Inaugural events, and a special interview with Eric Genrich, who is running for Mayor of Green Bay.

MILWAUKEE - We discuss the latest on the scandalous GOP lame duck, including the pending legal action against the early voting in Wisconsin.

We welcome Citizen Action North Central Co-op organizer Joel Lewis to review the Wausau budget listening session with Tony Evers, which in openness stands in sharp contrast with the infamous GOP lame duck session.

Former podcast panelist Jorna Taylor joins us to discuss Inaugural events and how to participate. We close with a special interview with Citizen Action Northeast Co-op member Eric Genrich, who is running for Mayor of Green Bay next spring.

Download MP3

Press Clips

Democratic Radio: A New Era for Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 13 December 2018 17:00

tony-evers-winMADISON - State Representative Sondy Pope (D - Mt. Horeb) talks about incoming Governor Tony Evers and the statewide Building the People’s Budget tour.

Audio File of Radio Address

sondy-popeHello, this is State Representative Sondy Pope with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Despite last week’s attempts by legislative Republicans to override the will of the people, Wisconsin will continue to move forward toward a brighter future.

This week, Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lieutenant Governor-elect Mandela Barnes announced their statewide Building the People’s Budget tour.

For the first time in eight years, Wisconsin residents will be able to attend gubernatorial pre-budget listening sessions open to the public and share their priorities.

Governor-elect Evers understands that in order to solve the problems facing our state, we need to prioritize people over politics and get down to the work of governing.

It is possible to reinvest in public education, fix our roads, and improve healthcare - but it cannot happen without you.

The best future for Wisconsin is one that is by the people of our state, and for the people of our state.

These budget listening sessions show how Tony Evers will govern - for all of us.

So get involved today and make your voice heard.

Thank you.

Republican Lawmakers Are Traitors to Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Randall Schumann, Madison   
Monday, 10 December 2018 14:39

walker-signs-budget-2015Madison citizen has low opinion of Republican lame duck session "power grab".

MADISON - Walker, Vos and Fitzgerald, as well as every Republican legislator that voted to advance the lame duck session "power grab" legislation overruling the decision by voters who chose Tony Evers and Josh Kaul to exercise all the existing powers of the Governor and Attorney General in Wisconsin, have demonstrated that they are Traitors to Democracy.

That label will be your enduring legacy for the rest of your natural lives and one which also will make your political lives much shorter. That will be because Wisconsin voters, whether they are Democrats, Progressives or are fair-minded Republicans disgusted by what the GOP powers-that-be have done to the Republican Party, will together rid Wisconsin of every one of you in the next election.

Furthermore, your actions in forcing through lame duck legislation overruling Wisconsin voters' decisions in the November election will lead to the downfall of the Republican party in Wisconsin. That is because you will have demonstrated to even Wisconsin voters who consider themselves Republicans, that no Republican politician can be trusted because they will not represent the decisions -- or the interests -- of voters.

Wisconsin voters will not forget. You Traitors of Democracy have sealed your own fate.

Randall Schumann
Madison, Wisconsin

Sen. Larson on Republican Sour Grape Session PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Monday, 10 December 2018 14:13

walkerMILWAUKEE - We just had an election wherein the outcome was clear, the people of Wisconsin sought change and elected a new Governor. Now should be a time of peaceful transition, but instead we have just witnessed an unprecedented power grab by Republicans in the state legislature.

The recent passing of President George HW Bush is a stark reminder of how far our country has come since the days when good people from both sides of the aisle could work together in mutual respect.

In his note to his successor, President Bill Clinton, President Bush wrote, “Your success now is our country's success. I am rooting hard for you.”

After a lifetime of service to his country, President Bush understood what most of us take for granted: Democracies are only functional when citizens are confident in the peaceful transfer of power after the conclusion of an election.

Eight years later, President Clinton would write to President Bush’s son, George W, the following: “And from this day you are President of all of us. I salute you and wish you success and much happiness.”

chris_larsonMy sympathies are with my Republican colleagues; I know too well the pain of losing an election. As state Senator, I have had the privilege of serving when both my party held power and when it lost it.

But when I entered office in 2011, I swore to uphold the constitutions of the United States and the state of Wisconsin. I pledged, just as Scott Walker did, to respect the rule of law and the democratic process.

In an unprecedented move, Scott Walker’s Republican-controlled legislature pushed a series of bills in a lame-duck session to remove checks and balances from our state government.

This package of bills, rammed through committees in the dead of the night, are designed to rig elections and consolidate power in the hands of a few. Never in Wisconsin’s history have we faced such an attack on our state Constitution and the democratic process.

On Monday December 3rd, prior to the lame-duck session, Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald stated “We trusted Scott Walker and the administration to be able to manage the back and forth with the Legislature. We don’t trust Tony Evers right now in a lot of those areas.”

It is important for elected officials to remember that we can disagree with each other on policy, but elections are never about one person. We were elected to serve the people of Wisconsin regardless of who is elected alongside us. Taking extraordinary measures to limit the power of an office because we might not “trust” the person that was elected to that office is a slap in the face to the citizens of Wisconsin that voted for change on November 6th.

We must never make the mistake of thinking that we were only elected to serve the voters who agree with us. Wisconsin’s working families deserve a legislative body where elected officials can work across the aisle and with the governor to solve Wisconsin's toughest problems.


State Senator Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, released this opinion editorial on the transition of power and the unprecedented measures taken by Republicans to limit the power of the offices of Governor.

Last Updated on Monday, 10 December 2018 14:33
Wisc Democracy Campaign "The Stabbing of Democracy" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 07 December 2018 17:11

wdc-logoThe lame-duck session that the GOP leadership presided over this week turned Wisconsin into a national embarrassment.

MADISON - We’ve witnessed a crime this past week: the stabbing of democracy in Wisconsin.

The lame-duck session that the GOP leadership presided over was a subversion of the will of the people, and it’s turned Wisconsin into a national embarrassment.

But it’s just the latest in a series of grave assaults that Scott Walker, Scott Fitzgerald, and Robin Vos have carried out, as I point out here:

Walker, Fitzgerald, and Vos Stab Democracy in Wisconsin

Meanwhile, our research director, Mike Buelow, dug into a couple of the more obscure bills that were passed, and what he found was not pretty. Big business was behind two of these:

WMC Behind Lame-Duck Anti-Regulation Bill

Anti-Prevailing Wage Bill Part of Lame Duck

matt-rothschildI took a break from covering and protesting this power grab last Monday and ran up to Baraboo to give a talk on Trump and the assault on our democracy nationally. I touched on the high school students giving a Nazi salute, and I mentioned that this was not a reflection of Baraboo but a reflection of America in the Age of Trump. Here’s an account of my talk and a video recording if you have the time:

UW-Baraboo speaker: Democracy is 'hanging by a thread'

Video: How Democracies Die/How to Combat Fascism Here at Home

I hope you find these articles and my talk of interest.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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"GOP power grab" Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 07 December 2018 16:39

gop-power-grabDiscussion of the GOP Lame Duck power grab, and interview of State Supreme Court Candidate Justice Lisa Neubauer.

Last Updated on Friday, 07 December 2018 17:08
Democratic Radio: Lame Lame-Duck Session PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 06 December 2018 17:24

wisconsin-rustedMADISON, WI – Senator Mark Miller (D-Monona) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

mark-miller“Hello, this is Senator Mark Miller with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

“An extraordinary session was convened this week by Republicans for the purpose of disrespecting the voters of Wisconsin by removing certain powers of their newly elected governor and Attorney General and transferring them to the legislature.

“The voters of the state of Wisconsin elected Democrat Tony Evers to be their new governor and they elected Democrat Josh Kaul to be their Attorney General; in spite of the considerable advantage of incumbency and in spite of the barriers to voting designed to reduce Democratic voter turnout. They have stolen from the voters.

“This session would not have been called if Scott Walker had won. These bills do not serve a public purpose. They serve a blatantly partisan purpose.

“This session was extraordinary in more ways than one. Not only was it officially designated extraordinary, it is extraordinary because of poor loser mentality, chutzpah, peevishness, spite, and disrespect for democracy by shafting the voters of Wisconsin by passing legislation to thwart the people’s choice for the next governor.

“Republicans already tilted the legislative elections to their partisan advantage, now they have refused to accept the decision of the voters in elections they cannot gerrymander. Wisdom is knowing the right path to take, integrity is taking it. Scott Walker would be wise not to sign these bills.

“I’m not holding my breath.”

Lame Duck GOP Proposals an Assault on Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Calab Frostman, State Senator District 1   
Tuesday, 04 December 2018 15:54

wisconsin_senatePeaceful Transition of Power and Will of the People Thwarted says Sen. Frostman.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 December 2018 16:18
The Life and Legacy of President Bush PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Tuesday, 04 December 2018 15:40

George H.W. BushFormer President George H.W. Bush died last week at age 94.

MADISON – Late Friday evening former President George H.W. Bush passed away at the age of 94. After hearing the news, Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement:

lena-taylor“I join the nation in recognizing the life and legacy of President George H.W. Bush. In learning of the letter that Bush left for Bill Clinton after the hard fought 1992 presidential election, I was so moved by him telling Clinton that “Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.” It is at once both a reminder of how political discourse and campaigns have changed, as well as the way things are supposed to be.”

“I did not agree with many of the policies of the 41st President, including his vote against the 1990 Civil Rights Bill and the racially charged use of the Willie Horton ad. However, when given a choice to serve his country or serve himself, he chose country every time.”

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