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Nation hurt by good people failing to oppose Trump PDF Print E-mail
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   
Monday, 07 January 2019 19:18

sheep-brennan-foleyHer greatest disillusionment isn’t Trump, it's that too many people are largely fine with all of the vicious, toxic filth and are not outraged or uncomfortable enough to take action or speak out.

GREEN BAY - Happy New Year to every person who didn’t vote for Donald Trump or who no longer supports him. Although I’m trying to look forward to the coming year with some optimism, the truth is I’ve become overwhelmed with disillusionment. I no longer think of the country in which I live, or many of the people who live in it, in the same way.

laura-kiefertThe greatest disillusionment to me isn’t Trump himself. I expected he’d be a horrible president because he’s a horrible person. He lacks a single kind or empathetic impulse, is impervious to compassion, and morally incapable of leading the country. Since his election, Trump has clearly caused the ugliness that exists among us to be elevated to a level not seen for over half a century.

My disillusionment comes with the reality that too many people I cared about and respected, people I thought were good people with admirable values, many of whom I considered to be friends, are largely fine with all of the vicious, toxic filth we’ve been infected with and are not outraged or uncomfortable enough to take action or speak out against the rising hatred and those who perpetuate it.

America will not return to the greatness and decency it once had until we all join together to hold our leaders to a higher standard of honesty and integrity. It’s the least we deserve as a nation.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 January 2019 17:01
Democratic Radio: Opportunity to move Wisconsin forward on drunk driving in 2019 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 03 January 2019 13:09

drunk-driving-crashMADISON, WI – Senator Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

chris-larson“Hi, this is State Senator Chris Larson with the Democratic Radio Address. It’s hard to believe that 2018 is already at a close. Hopefully, you were able to finish your last minute shopping and knock out all your resolutions before the start of the New Year.

“In this rush around the holidays, time never seems to slow down the way I want it to. Still, I hope that each of you got a break to spend more time with your friends, family, and neighbors.

“I am looking forward to 2019 which I hope will usher in a new opportunity to move Wisconsin forward.

“There are big issues that we must tackle, and to do that, we must find common ground. In this next session, I am hopeful that the appetite is finally there to change our drunk driving laws. With nearly 26% of Wisconsin adults admitting to driving while intoxicated, Wisconsin continues to top the national charts with the highest rate of drunk driving.

“We can and must do more to save lives and make our shared roads safe. Exactly 20 years ago I lost a classmate to a repeat drunk driver. Since then, families have continued to needlessly lose loved ones year after year. In fact, in 2017 we lost 179 more of our friends and neighbors due to drunk driving.

“We cannot rest until we change our culture around drinking and driving. In the meantime, I encourage you to please drive safe wherever you are going in the New Year and, if you're going out drinking, have a plan to get home safely.”

Divided, but Not Broken Government PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 02 January 2019 06:35

jeff-smithSenator-elect Jeff Smith, who will take office January 7th to replace outgoing Democratic Sen. Kathleen Vinehout in the 31st District, shares his goal to help heal the political divisions in Wisconsin state government.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 January 2019 17:58
Help Make 2019 the Year for Health Care Progress PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Robert Kraig   
Friday, 28 December 2018 16:24

eoy_picDuring the holidays, take the time to make a contribution to the fastest growing statewide progressive organization in Wisconsin, Citizen Action.

MILWAUKEE - As you make your end of the year donations, I urge you to consider a tax deductible contribution to the fastest growing statewide progressive organization in Wisconsin, Citizen Action.

People across the state are flocking to Citizen Action of Wisconsin because we have a real member-driven strategy for winning progressive victories in 2019 and beyond.

Health care is the most promising area for progress. We have a huge popular mandate to work with Governor Evers to expand Medicaid, open up BadgerCare as a public option, regulate outlandish prescription drug prices, and more.

If the GOP Legislature continues to block Medicaid Expansion, they will reap the whirlwind of public outrage. As I told the Associated Press last week: “The politics of Medicaid Expansion are very bad for anyone who wants to stand in the way right now. Evers understands the public is with us.”

If you agree with me that we have a huge opportunity to take the next big steps forward on healthcare, than please make a make a tax deductible end-of the-year donation to Citizen Action.

You probably saw all the headlines. Only 2 days after Scott Walker enacted new restrictions on early voting, Citizen Action and our partners went to federal court to block him. As I told Fox 6 News: "I think folks knew that this would be the first major lawsuit coming out of the lame-duck session."

We all know why Scott Walker and the GOP Legislature are again taking aim against voting rights. As I told The Guardian newspaper: “We have a political party in the United States that has decided it’s completely OK to hold on to power by reducing the number of people who are voting.”

That’s why it is so important that you make a tax deductible end-of-the-year donation to Citizen Action. Now more than ever we need smart and effective grassroots organizing to back up our new Governor as we fight to take back Wisconsin democracy!

There are many great reasons to to make a tax deductible end-of-the year donation to Citizen Action:

Cutting-Edge Local Organizing Statewide: Citizen Action’s Organizing Co-ops are spreading across Wisconsin in the places that we need to shift the balance of power, and creating the conditions we need to bridge the urban/suburban/rural divide.

Everyone Means Everyone: Citizen Action has hired a talented multiracial team of organizers which positions us to build a progressive base in every Wisconsin community. We are organizing deeper than ever before in Wisconsin’s rural areas, which are desperately in need of new investment, and in communities of color where economic opportunity is denied.

Bold Vision on Climate Change & Racial Justice: We launched a campaign earlier this year to create a Wisconsin economy where everyone who wants a living wage job can get one, racial inequality is eliminated, and carbon pollution is reduced to the level necessary to prevent a climate genocide.

Cutting-Edge Communication: Citizen Action is a leader in developing new message frames and narratives that are needed to pull the state in a progressive direction. We are very good at generating positive media coverage and deploying new media. Our popular Battleground Wisconsin podcast and radio show has over 35,000 documented listens per year.

The donations you make at the end-of-the-year will have even greater impact because they allow us to make even more ambitious plans for 2019. We need your to help today if we are going to make 2019 the first year of the great progressive revival in Wisconsin.

In Peace & Solidarity,

Robert Kraig
Executive Director
Citizen Action of Wisconsin/Citizen Action of Wisconsin Fund

Democratic Radio: Happy Holidays PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 28 December 2018 16:09

new-year-happyMADISON - Rep. Chris Taylor of Madison represents Wisconsin Assembly Democrats with a holiday address.

Audio File of Radio Address

The complete text of Chris Taylor's message is presented below.

chris-taylorHello. I am State Representative Chris Taylor with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

The holidays are a time to come together with family and friends to enjoy good food and good conversation. Those conversations can provide an opportunity to discuss the issues that matter most to you.

For me, and for Wisconsin Democrats, these issues include access to quality, affordable health care, sustainably funding our public education system, protecting our precious natural resources, and investing in our state’s infrastructure for future generations to come.

The holidays are also a time to reflect on the year that has passed and to look forward to the New Year.

2018 held both successes and challenges for the people of Wisconsin.

Most notably, Wisconsin elected a new leader in Governor-elect Tony Evers.

Democrats are looking forward to 2019. We are eager and ready to get back to work, addressing the issues that are important to you, the residents of Wisconsin.

Democrats in Wisconsin have not forgotten that we were elected to be your voice in the State Capitol and nothing is more important to us, than making sure government is for you, not powerful politicians.

That is why I encourage you, now more than ever, to contact your elected officials and share your thoughts on how to move Wisconsin forward.

Whether it’s by calling your local school board members or contacting your State Representative or State Senator, we want to know which issues matter most to you.

I would like to personally thank everyone who has taken time over the last year to share their thoughts with myself and my colleagues. I want you to know your voices were heard.

Finally, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays and a wonderful and healthy New Year.

Thank you.

“Ryan & Walker exit stage right wing” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin Press   
Friday, 21 December 2018 17:21

ryan-and-walker-exitWe discuss the lame duck session fall out, the latest on the early voting lawsuit, Tony Evers’ first cabinet appointments and a new audit revealing WEDC plans to pay for Foxconn jobs not located in Wisconsin.

MILWAUKEE - We close out 2018 by contrasting the legacies of House Speaker Paul Ryan and Gov. Scott Walker as they prepare to leave office in early January. We review the lame duck session fall out, including the latest on the motion filed in Citizen Action's early voting lawsuit with One WI Now to block voting restrictions. We also discuss Tony Evers’ first cabinet appointments and a new audit revealing WEDC plans to pay for Foxconn jobs not located in Wisconsin.

Download MP3
Press Clips

Producer's Note: Thank you for listening to the Battleground Wisconsin Podcast! This show would not be possible with out the support of listeners like you. We'd also like to thank WIDE-LP 99.1 FM Madison and WRRD 1510AM Milwaukee for broadcasting the show every week. Please continue to listen and tell your friends about the Battleground Wisconsin Podcast, word of mouth is the best way to increase our audience size. If you have any questions or thoughts about the show, or if you just want to chat, please drop me a note at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . If you'd like to donate a special tax-deductible gift to help support the show please click here. Robert, Matt, Rebecca and myself wish you a happy holiday and we truly appreciate your ears and your support! See you in 2019!

Best, Brian

Last Updated on Friday, 21 December 2018 17:45
Democratic Radio: Looking Ahead to 2019 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 20 December 2018 17:12

lacrosse-xmas-lightsMADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address reflecting on the past year and looking forward to 2019.

“After years of misplaced priorities, families in Wisconsin want to see solutions. With 2018 behind us, I hope that we can set aside political differences, work together and focus on a brighter and better tomorrow.” Sen. Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling“Hi, I’m Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling.

“When I look back at the political battles that have been waged in 2018, I’m reminded that our state does better when we all work together. I remain hopeful that 2019 will be a year of growth and opportunity for our state.

“In fact, Democrats are ready to get to work with Gov.-elect Tony Evers to tackle the tough issues - like improving health care, strengthening schools and fixing our roads.

“After years of misplaced priorities, families in Wisconsin want to see solutions. With 2018 behind us, I hope that we can set aside political differences, work together and focus on a brighter and better tomorrow.

“From myself and all of the Wisconsin Democrats, we want to wish you and your family a safe and Happy Holidays!”

Last Updated on Thursday, 20 December 2018 17:20
Sen. Shilling: Republicans need a lesson in sportsmanship PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jennifer Shilling, State Senator 32nd District   
Monday, 17 December 2018 17:28

scott-fitzgeraldl-stands-behind-walkerWisconsin residents made it clear they are tired of divide and conquer politics, but Republican leaders chose to ignore them.

Last Updated on Monday, 17 December 2018 17:43
Wisc Democracy Campaign "Walker’s Weasel Words" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 14 December 2018 19:18

wdc-logoI read Walker’s explanation about how he was approaching the lame-duck bills myself, and it was truly nauseating.

MADISON - It’s not every day that three staff members tell me that I ought to write a column about the same subject, but that happened this week after Gov. Walker posted a long explanation about how he was approaching the lame-duck bills.

So I read Walker’s posting myself, and it was truly nauseating. And when I’m feeling nauseous, I need to get it out of my system, and writing is the way I do it. Take a look:

Walker, the Weasel

matt-rothschildAlso this week, we did some research on the raft of appointees Walker recently named, and here’s what we found:

Walker Appointees Gave His Campaign $16K+

Now and again, I come upon a terrific column that I share on Facebook and that I’d also like to share with you. Here’s an example: Jim Rowen’s indictment of the anti-democratic elitism of Speaker Vos and Majority Leader Fitzgerald:

The Walkerites' Unbearable and Dangerous Elitism

I hope you like these columns.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Indivisible Madison reacts to the WI GOP coup PDF Print E-mail
Written by Indivisible Madison, Linda Kessel   
Friday, 14 December 2018 18:04

capitol-protestMadison activist group says "We must fight any measures that put party and power before people.”

MADISON - Today, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed the extraordinary session legislation into law. The GOP power grab is complete. The conclusion is obvious – the GOP put party and power before people.

“Walker’s legacy will be that he was a sore loser who undermined democracy on the way out,” said Indivisible Madison lead organizer, Linda Kessel.

Indivisible Madison organized the rapid response that brought more than 1,400 protesters to the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) hearing on the lame-duck legislation with less than 72 hours’ notice. A rally that night on the State Capitol steps drew a crowd of 1,000. At the conclusion, the entire crowd entered the Capitol to register their opposition at the JFC hearing that was still in progress. Protesters came the next day to loudly protest as the Governor led a tree-lighting ceremony in the Capitol rotunda.

Walker’s office issued a media advisory only three hours before the signing ceremony in Green Bay. “Governor Walker signed the bills outside of Madison to avoid the protests he knew would materialize here,” said Kessel. Interestingly, Green Bay is the district of the lone Republican to vote against the lame-duck legislation, State Sen. Robert Cowles.

Walgreens Boycott The next step for Indivisible Madison is calling for a boycott of Walgreens. In a New York Times article, “When Walgreens Had a Moral Compass” (Dec. 12, 2018), we learned that Walgreens had made campaign contributions to the leaders of this GOP power grab – Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate

Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald. They gave an additional $6,000 to the Wisconsin Campaign to Elect a Republican Senate.

Walgreens benefits from a property assessment loophole in Wisconsin that allows them to pay substantially less in taxes, passing the burden onto homeowners and small businesses to make up the difference. A bipartisan bill in the last regular legislative session sought to close that loophole, but Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald refused to bring it to the Senate floor for a vote. It looks like Walgreens got an excellent return on its campaign investment.

We call on Walgreens to ask for its contributions back, as they recently did when Cindy Hyde-Smith – then Mississippi candidate for U.S. Senate – made what she called a joke about attending a “public hanging.” Walgreens refused to be complicit in her racist remarks. Walgreens should be equally concerned about supporting the unscrupulous Wisconsin GOP leaders who orchestrated this legislative power grab. “We demand that they put democracy before profit, and customers before politics,” Kessel proclaimed.

Indivisible Madison will continue to resist the GOP agenda in our state and in our country. From Linda Kessel, “If anything, this strengthens our resolve. We must fight any measures that put party and power before people.”


Indivisible Madison (IM) is one of more than 5,000 Indivisible local chapters, 100 in Wisconsin alone. We follow the wisdom of the Indivisible Guide and the national Indivisible Team. The common goal is to resist the policies of Donald Trump. Indivisible Madison and many other chapters apply the same techniques at the state level. We have strength in numbers and together, we are a power to be reckoned with.

Indivisible Madison specializes in rapid response events and actions. In addition to organizing actions surrounding this GOP power grab…

• Last month, we organized the local rally for “No One is Above the Law” within 24 hours of Jeff Sessions being fired. This was a response to MoveOn’s national call to act upon any move by the president intended to end the Mueller probe. Hundreds attended.

• We led the organizing team for Madison’s Families Belong Together protest (in one week).

• We organized the Candlelight Vigil in Solidarity with Charlottesville (in 27 hours).

• We organized an ACA Die-just two days following the House vote for repeal in 2017.

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