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Wisc Democracy Campaign "Valentine to Democracy" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Thursday, 14 February 2019 10:41

spendingThe latest commentary from Matt Rothschild at the Democracy Campaign.

MADISON - This morning, in the Wisconsin Senate Parlor, Sen. Chris Larson unveiled nine crucial campaign finance reform bills.

Here’s a list of the bills, and I urge you to contact your legislators and ask them to co-sponsor and support them:

2019-20 Campaign Integrity Package

At the press conference, I praised Sen. Larson’s efforts, and I noted that his bills are desperately needed because Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald rewrote our campaign finance law in 2015 and turned it into “an open invitation to corruption, which the wealthy and the corporations promptly and gladly accepted.”

WisconsinEye recorded the event live on Facebook. My statement begins at the 8 minute mark. Or read my statement here:

Vos and Fitzgerald Made Corruption Easier

matt-rothschildI also offered a valentine to democracy in Wisconsin, which I hope you’ll enjoy, though it’s a little schmaltzy:

A Valentine

I’d like to thank the activists who showed up to support the event, especially the brilliant organizers with Wisconsin United to Amend.

It was a Valentine’s Day to remember.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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Democratic Radio: "2019: The Year of Clean Drinking Water" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 14 February 2019 10:27

clean-drinking-waterMADISON - This week, State Rep. Katrina Shankland (D - Stevens Point) discusses clean water access in Wisconsin.

Audio File of Radio Address

katrina_shanklandHi, I’m State Representative Katrina Shankland with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

This week has been ground-breaking when it comes to prioritizing clean water access in Wisconsin.

One in ten wells across our state are contaminated, and too many people can’t access clean drinking water from their taps.

No one should have to buy bottled water because they can’t drink from their tap, and that’s why Governor Evers has declared 2019 the “Year of Clean Drinking Water,” showing true leadership on this critical issue.

The governor’s new water quality initiatives announced this week will significantly expand access to clean drinking water.

He announced $70 million in bonding for clean water initiatives to help farmers, homeowners, and local governments, and his proposal also invests money to remediate the most contaminated private wells across Wisconsin.

Since I have authored legislation to expand our state’s Well Compensation Grant Program, I am thrilled that Governor Evers has decided to include portions of my legislation, investing in the grant program in his budget.

The governor’s actions reinforce his commitment to the people of Wisconsin who cannot access safe drinking water, and I thank him and commend him for it.

I also want to thank Lieutenant Governor Barnes for touring UW-Stevens Point’s water lab, talking to private well owners, and discussing water quality issues with scientists and stakeholders earlier this week with me.

It’s clear that this administration is making clean water access a huge priority.

This week, I was also named the Vice-Chair of the Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality.

We will travel across the state, hold hearings, and work to address the water quality issues facing people in Wisconsin.

Everyone deserves access to clean, safe drinking water. I encourage everyone to make their voices heard throughout this process.

Governor Evers has taken several meaningful steps to make that happen, and I am grateful for his tremendous leadership and look forward to working with stakeholders to find meaningful science-based solutions to the water quality challenges facing our state.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 February 2019 10:39
Sen. Larson Leads on Campaign Finance Reform PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Thursday, 07 February 2019 18:13

chris_larsonSen. Larson’s bills would limit the role of the super wealthy and corporations, and bring some more transparency to our politics.

Democratic Radio: An Economy that Works for Everyone PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 07 February 2019 09:39

door-county-peopleMADISON - This week, Rep. Daniel Riemer (D - Milwaukee) talks about the Governor's plan to roll back massive tax giveaways to millionaires and huge corporations while giving a tax cut to 84 percent of Wisconsinites.

Audio File of Radio Address

daniel-riemerHello, this is State Representative Daniel Riemer with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Voters across Wisconsin elected Governor Evers because they want fiscally responsible policies that put families first.

During his campaign, Governor Evers promised to cut taxes for middle class families in Wisconsin by 10 percent.

True to his word, the Governor rolled out his plan this week, which would give a tax cut to 84 percent of Wisconsinites.

This puts real money in the pockets of people across Wisconsin.

Governor Evers is putting his focus on the middle class by rolling back a massive tax giveaway to millionaires and huge corporations.

Eight years ago, Republicans created a tax plan that allowed 16 people, each earning more than $30 million per year, to receive tax cuts averaging almost $2 million.

That doesn’t make economic sense.

Governor Evers is moving our state in a direction that will create opportunities for everyday people and grow our communities.

The truth is, we can have a tax cut for working families and still make the needed investments in K-12 education, transportation, and health care.

If we work together, and put people above politics, we can build an economy that works for everyone.

Governor Evers wants responsible tax relief for Wisconsin families.

That’s something we can all support.

Thank you.

Erpenbach on the Republican Tax Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Wednesday, 06 February 2019 16:54

wisconsin_senateDemocratic leader says GOP’s plan consumes 80% of the estimated balance before the budget process even begins, and uses one-time funds that would ultimately attribute to a deficit.

MADISON - While I am glad that Republicans are taking steps to support Governor Evers’ vision for a tax cut for the middle-class, today’s public hearing on their alternative proposal makes it clear that their spending plan is shortsighted and irresponsible. Once again, Republicans are playing politics, instead of fighting for what is best for Wisconsin, and in doing so, they are putting taxpayers on the hook for a tax cut with no way to pay for it in the future.

jon-erpenbachThe GOP’s plan consumes 80% of the estimated balance before the budget process even begins, and uses one-time funds that would ultimately attribute to a deficit. It leaves no room for Governor Evers or the legislature to work on the priorities of Wisconsinites and to reach across the aisle to find common ground on what matters most to our communities.

The people of Wisconsin have made it clear that they want Governor Evers to expand opportunities, including investing in our schools, rebuilding infrastructure and improving health care. Due to the lack of school aids under Republicans, taxpayers have already had to pass $1.46 billion in local referendums to assist their schools, forcing local communities to approve $300 million in 2018 alone. It is important that we reduce the burden on property taxpayers by properly funding education and making smart investments in our communities.

Governor Evers has a plan that works for Wisconsin’s hardworking families without increasing Wisconsin’s budget deficit. I urge Republicans to work with Governor Evers’ on his proposal that would provide sustainable tax relief and would put the people of Wisconsin first, not support a plan they cannot pay for.

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 February 2019 10:18
Riemer Backs Democratic Tax Cut for the Middle Class PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Wednesday, 06 February 2019 16:41

capitol-night-wiscSays Republicans are putting politics before people by refusing to work with Gov. Evers and Democrats in the Legislature for the people of Wisconsin.

MILWAUKEE - Representative Daniel Riemer (D – Milwaukee) released the following statement following the unveiling of a middle-class tax cut for working families by Governor Tony Evers:

daniel-riemer-7-milw“With this tax cut for hardworking families throughout Wisconsin, it is clear that Democrats in the Legislature and Governor Tony Evers are committed to putting people first and cutting taxes without increasing Wisconsin’s budget deficit.

“The tax plan unveiled today, one that has been talked about throughout the last campaign as a promise to the people of Wisconsin, gives a much needed break to hardworking families by rolling back a massive tax giveaway to millionaires and huge corporations.

“This stands in sharp contrast to the Republicans’ spending plan being rushed through the legislature – a plan that will cost Wisconsin taxpayers more, a plan that legislative Republicans have absolutely no plan to pay for, and a plan that would prevent needed investments in the priorities of people throughout Wisconsin: affordable health care, strong public schools, and safe roads.

“It is disappointing that Republicans are once again putting politics before people and are refusing to work together with Governor Evers and Democrats in the Legislature for the people of Wisconsin. Wisconsinites are tired of Republican leadership ignoring the will of the people and refusing to work together,” continued Rep. Riemer. “Legislative Republicans should listen to the voters of this state and finally put politics aside to work with us and Governor Evers to provide tax relief for middle class families.”

Wisc Democracy Campaign "Corporate contributions in 2018" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign   
Monday, 04 February 2019 16:03

mta-madisonMADISON - Here’s something we just posted on our website that might interest you. It’s about all $1.7 million that corporations gave to political parties and legislative campaign committees in the last election cycle:

Corporate Contributions Totaled Nearly $1.7M in 2018 to State Parties, Legislative Campaign Committees

And here’s an article from the Wisconsin State Journal today about the $70 million spent in lobbying during this period. It quotes our executive director, Matt Rothschild, saying, “We’re in an ever escalating cycle of grotesque spending by lobbyists in Wisconsin who are throwing around ungodly numbers of dollars to get their way in the Legislature.”

Lobbying groups spent $70 million over latest legislative session

It’s Groundhog Day in the GOP Legislature PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Ritch Williams   
Friday, 01 February 2019 11:23

scott-fitzgeraldl-stands-behind-walkerMajority Party Continues to Try and Deflect Blame.

Battleground Wisconsin "The Foxconn is up: They got paid, we got played" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 01 February 2019 10:56

foxconnSTATEWIDE - We welcome State Representative Jonathan Brostoff to discuss the predictable implosion of Foxconn’s manufacturing plant in Wisconsin and the implications for Wisconsin and the progressive movement.

We also talk about new scandalous and hateful revelations about the bigotry of Scott Walker's handpicked Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn.

Download MP3
Press Clips

Last Updated on Friday, 01 February 2019 11:07
Democratic Radio: "Winter Weather Update" PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 31 January 2019 13:12

wi-winter-snowMADISON - This week Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes discusses our winter weather and offers helpful advice.

Audio File of Radio Address

mandela-barnesHello, this is Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, here to offer the weekly Democratic Radio Address.

Over the last week we’ve endured record low temperatures and heavy snowfall across the State of Wisconsin.

As we continue to monitor developing weather conditions, Governor Evers and I want to extend a thank you to those working at state agencies, as well as our first responders, law enforcement officers, and snow plow drivers for their around-the-clock efforts to make sure we keep the public safe.

We would also like to thank the cities and organizations who have opened their doors to folks in need, ensuring that every person has a warm place to stay in this bitter cold.

It is our top concern that every Wisconsinite stay safe and warm right now.

To find a warming shelter near you, dial 2-1-1 or visit

Also remember to avoid traffic if at all possible. If you must travel, please check to monitor road conditions and incidents before departing.

Don’t forget to check on a loved one and neighbors as we all seek to stay safe and warm.

As always, it is my honor to serve the people of Wisconsin as your Lieutenant Governor.

Thank you.

Last Updated on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:49
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