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You Really Believe That?!? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   
Sunday, 24 February 2019 11:09

woman-surpriseOur Laura Kiefert introduces her new blog with a piece about the crazy things you’ll hear if you actually talk to one of the Trump believers who hang out at our senior centers and listen only to Fox "News".

GREEN BAY, WI - There’s a person who has played an important role in my life whose beliefs regarding politics and religion differ from my own. I am a progressive, liberal Democrat. She is not. We had previously agreed “not to go there”. However, last night, we did. What she told me left me wondering, “How in the world could anyone possibly believe such ridiculous shit?”

Among the beliefs she revealed were:

  • Planned Parenthood intentionally performs abortions in order to harvest and sell baby body parts for large profits.
  • Baby body parts that aren’t sold are cannibalized by Democrats who support abortion.
  • Hillary Clinton has had 57 people shot in the back of the head to cover up the Clinton’s crimes.
  • George H.W. Bush was executed years earlier and the coffin at his recent funeral was empty.
  • George W. and Jeb Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama were served indictments at the funeral and are already being held at Guantanamo Bay, which was currently rebuilt to accommodate them.
  • All the above were served indictments at George H.W. Bush’s funeral. Sightings of these people, including Obama’s recent attendance at the basketball game in Durham, N.D. were staged using body doubles.
  • Hillary and Bill Clinton are the worst criminals ever in American history.
  • The only mainstream media that can believed is Fox News and any facts provided by anyone aligned with the Democratic Party are fake.
  • Trump is a Christian who attends church regularly.
  • The Democratic Party is evil and full of haters.
  • Trump is a brilliant businessman who has made billions of dollars and has never filed bankruptcy.
  • Republicans won’t cut Social Security or Medicare, they just need to cut Welfare and Food Stamps for the overwhelming number of people who need to get a job, who don’t deserve it, and who either sell or give what they get from government programs away.
  • Although she lives on Social Security, gets Medicare and lives in a rent assisted senior building, she firmly opposes Socialism because she doesn’t want the government involved in her life.
  • Trump is much smarter than Democrats think and he has a plan in place to take down the entire “Deep State” that includes the CIA, the FBI and Nation Security, all who have been complicit in covering up the Clinton crimes.

While looking on the Internet for information to repudiate her, I ran across several YouTube videos published by a Psychic Medium named Utsavo that elaborated the claims we had discussed, as well as claims of aliens, UFO’s and multiple conspiracy theories. I concluded that must be her main source of information. See:

laura-kiefertI texted her thirteen links to reputable sources with facts disputing the above outrageous assertions, which I assume she never bothered to open. She responded with a simple text, “I vote for whoever I feel will benefit me personally.”

I’m left wondering why people believe such stupid shit.

I suppose since we both strongly identify with opposite sides of the political spectrum, we each think the other is willfully ignoring the facts and firmly believes our own facts are true and the other’s are false. We both probably think the other is either ignorant, ill-informed disingenuous, or nuts. At first, I thought she was trying to yank my chain. Numerous times I asked things like, “Are you kidding me”, or “You can’t be serious” or “Where did you get that?”

Her responses were were all in the affirmative. “Yes” or “You betcha” or “ I sure do.” To say the least, I was flabbergasted by her admissions and I admit by the end of our conversation I had concluded she had taken a head-first dive off the crazy bridge into the Looney River.

I am a person who relies heavily on science. I read a lot, question everything, and base my beliefs on facts, reason, critical thinking and common sense. It’s impossible for me to comprehend why anyone wants to disagree with science or what is obviously true and instead trust psychic tabloid nonsense.

I know there are people that trick themselves into believing that the facts aren't relevant and the modern media landscape seems to be amplifying the retreat from facts. Therefore, making it harder and harder to determine what the real truth is. I understand we now live in a world where people promote red facts and blue facts, and these biased motivated-reasoning processes fuel political conflict. But, blocking out information we disagree with, through social media echo chambers, reading partisan news, or only surrounding ourselves with friends who agree with us, just leads to promoting conspiracy theories that makes matters worse.

So, I’m done with making arguments to convince others to stop drinking the Kool-aid. It’s a waste of time and I think it’s more probable that talking about these issues cause people to double down and become even more stubborn and radical.

Bottom line, there are people who will believe what they want to believe and disregard the rest. The problem is when people dismiss as unconvincing any information that contradicts their opinion, the result is, well, the Trump Administration.


Read more of Laura's blogs at

Last Updated on Sunday, 24 February 2019 12:23
Gruszynski praises Gov. Evers Healthy Women, Healthy Babies Initiative PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 22 February 2019 17:28

childcare-infantGov. Evers plan to invest almost $28 million to improve birth outcomes are essential steps for all mothers and babies in Wisconsin says Green Bay State Representative.

GREEN BAY – State Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) expressed his support for Governor Evers plan to include provisions aimed at improving birth outcomes and increasing access to women’s health care services in his 2019-2021 State Budget.

staush-gruszynski“Expanding access to preventative care and working to reduce racial disparities among Wisconsin infants are essential steps toward improving outcomes for all mothers and babies in Wisconsin,” Gruszynski said. “Every Wisconsinite deserves access to quality care, and it is vital that we ensure that mothers and newborns have a healthy start, regardless of where they live, their skin color, or their socioeconomic status. I was excited to learn the details of Governor Evers plan to invest almost $28 million to improve birth outcomes in our state.”

Initiatives announced Tuesday include an Infant Mortality Prevention Program, an extension of post-partum Medicaid eligibility for women covered under the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the reinstatement of funding for evidence-based reproductive health services, among others.

Wisconsin is Ready for Medical Marijuana PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 22 February 2019 17:04

chronic-pain-mgmtSen. Jon Erpenbach tells a very personal story on why he supports Governor Evers’ budget proposal to legalize medical marijuana.

MADISON - Over a decade ago, I was introduced to a woman named Jacki Rickert. She wasn’t the first person to come into my office advocating for the legalization of medical marijuana, that was Gary Storck, but she made a lasting impression. By the end of the meeting she was in terrible pain. Unable to walk or sit comfortably in a wheelchair, her friends and fellow advocates actually lifted her out the window of my ground floor office into a vehicle waiting to take her home. She was a pioneer in the movement to advance the cause of medical marijuana.

critical-illnessJacki had been diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlo Syndrome. At one point, in a tremendous amount of pain, and down to a mere 68 pounds, she discovered that marijuana brought her appetite back and alleviated her pain. Seeing these results, in 1990, in Mondovi, WI, a physician wrote a prescription for Jacki to obtain marijuana, and enrolled her in a small federal program allowing its use for medical purposes. The trouble was, she was never able to legally access that medicine, so she and others started an advocacy and awareness campaigned called “Is my Medicine Legal Yet?”

Along the way, politicians from both sides of the aisle have taken up the mantle of medical use. Frank Boyle (D-Phillips) introduced a bill back in 1997, and Republicans like Greg Underheim, (R-Oshkosh) and Rick Skinrud (R-Mt. Horeb) were also among the first to introduce medical marijuana bills. Then- state legislators Tammy Baldwin and Mark Pocan, were also early champions and it was Rep. Pocan who brought me on board in 2007.

jon-erpenbachWhen I introduced the first Senate companion with Rep. Pocan in 2009, as Chairman of the Senate Health Committee, we held a public hearing and people from across Wisconsin came to tell their heartbreaking stories. We heard from people with debilitating conditions who had found that opiates and other narcotics prescribed by physicians did little to alleviate their symptoms, and the side effects of those legal drugs were more than they could bear. Marijuana, however, had given them relief. Unfortunately, that is when they had to reluctantly break the law, becoming criminals for trying to obtain the one thing working to help them.

medical-marijuanaBack then, and even today, there are legislators who are not ready to allow medical marijuana to go forward, giving in to the many myths surrounding marijuana. However, as usual, the public is way ahead of the politicians. Last fall, nearly a million voters in 16 counties and two cities, answered yes on nonbinding referenda asking if marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use; and in my office the folder of contacts from people who support medical marijuana has grown so large it needs its own drawer in the file cabinet. Nationwide polling from Quinnipiac in the spring of 2018 showed 93% of Americans support medical marijuana and no state that has passed a medical marijuana program has ever repealed it.

Jacki Rickert succumbed to her long illness the day after Christmas in 2017. She did not live long enough to see her medicine become legal. People like Jacki and Gary Storck, and veterans like Steve Acheson and the other members of Wisconsin Veterans for Compassionate Care; they are the reason I have continued to introduce bills to legalize medical marijuana every session since 2009. They are the reason I support Governor Evers’ budget proposal and they are the reason I will continue to reach across the aisle and work with my Republican colleagues to get Wisconsin to join the 30 other states who allow their citizens to access marijuana to alleviate conditions like glaucoma, cancer, ALS, chronic pain, PTSD, and, of course, Ehlers-Danlo.

“3 white male Republicans vow to block BadgerCare expansion” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 22 February 2019 16:34

wrb7t2-220Group discusses the Spring Primary elections, Republicans shameful use of Koch Brother funded research on BadgerCare, Evers’ new proposal to add $28 million in the budget for women's health care, and more...

MILWAUKEE, WI - We debrief the Spring Primary elections and discuss the latest news in the important State Supreme Court election on April 2nd. The panel tears apart the junk Koch Brother funded research Republicans unveiled this week in effort to provide cover for their shameful opposition to expanding to BadgerCare Expansion. We talk about Evers’ new proposal to add $28 million in the budget for women's health care. We close with an in-depth discussion of Amazon’s decision to back out of a deal to build a headquarters in New York City, and how it is dividing Democrats while providing a false narrative to Wisconsin Republicans desperately trying to defend the Foxconn implosion.

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Sen. Jennifer Shilling: "Close corporate loopholes and treat homeowners fairly" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jennifer Shilling, State Senator 32nd District   
Thursday, 21 February 2019 16:54

menardsWe need to build a brighter future for working families, seniors, small-business owners and family farms in Wisconsin. The wealthy and corporations have had enough tax relief.

Democratic Radio: Wisconsinites Support Medical Marijuana PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 21 February 2019 16:39

medical-marijuanaLegalizing medical marijuana will provide safe, legal, and regulated options to help address debilitating medical conditions says Erpenbach.

Wis Democracy Campaign “Trump’s Emergency” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Wednesday, 20 February 2019 09:04

donald-trumpLet’s insist that Trump follow the Constitution – on the Census and on the border wall.

MADISON - Yesterday I spoke at a rally on Donald Trump’s “national emergency” declaration on Friday. There were about 100 people in the Rotunda at the State Capitol, and it was an inspiring event.

Here are the remarks I gave:

Trump’s in Touch with his Inner Fascist

Please contact your members of Congress, both in the House of Representatives and the Senate, and urge them to take immediate action to pass a resolution of disapproval to overturn the national emergency declaration. Restrain this man before he goes any further down the hill toward authoritarianism.

And, on a related subject, please ask your members of Congress to vote to remove the citizenship question from the 2020 Census. Adding that question to the Census is aimed at intimidating undocumented immigrants and would lead to an undercounting, which would further disadvantage communities that have a high percentage of immigrants.

matt-rothschildWe have a Constitution. And it says to count all persons. Let’s insist that Trump follow the Constitution – on the Census and on the border wall. It’s pretty basic: Do we have a democracy or not?

Thanks for your activism.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. If you appreciate our outspokenness on the threat that Trump poses, please send us a tax-deductible gift here. Or you can send it the old-fashioned way to: Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, 203 S. Paterson St, Suite 100, Madison, WI 53703. Thanks!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 10:09
Domestic Violence A Real Emergency PDF Print E-mail
Written by End Domestic Abuse WI, Chase Tarrier   
Tuesday, 19 February 2019 12:06

domesticviolenceIf President Trump needs an Emergency, domestic violence victim advocates in Wisconsin suggest an option based in reality.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 February 2019 12:41
Erpenbach Applauds Medical Marijuana Proposal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Tuesday, 19 February 2019 11:15

medical-marijuanaWe should legalize medical marijuana, as an ever growing list of organizations and individuals support decriminalization for medical use.

MADISON - Since 2009, I have been the author of legislation to legalize marijuana for medical use. In that time I have heard heartbreaking stories from people across the state who are using marijuana to alleviate serious medical conditions; People breaking the law to get their loved ones a medicine that works.

Legislators have long been behind the public on this issue. Recent polling showed that 59% of Wisconsinites support the legalization of all marijuana, but broken down into medical use the numbers are even higher.

In addition, thirty States and Washington, D.C., both red and blue, have passed effective medical marijuana programs, and no state has ever sought to repeal it. It is time for Wisconsin to join them in passing these regulations.

jon-erpenbachThe bottom line is that seriously ill patients should not have to break the law to access their medication. Marijuana can provide relief to those suffering from cancer, glaucoma, PTSD, ALS, chronic pain and can even help in the fight against opiate addiction. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2014 found that opioid overdose deaths were reduced by 25% in states with an effective medical marijuana law. This is a common-sense solution to a crisis that impacts both urban and rural areas of our state.

There are a multitude of reasons why we should legalize medical marijuana, and an ever growing list of organizations and individuals that support decriminalization for medical use. This proposal will help individuals seeking to alleviate chronic pain in a safe and legal way, and I applaud Governor Evers for listening to the people of Wisconsin.

“The climate of democracy in Wisconsin” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 16 February 2019 10:17

the-climate-of-democracy-in-wiCitizen Action panel discusses Gov. Evers plan to expand access to dental care, what the Godlewski does the state treasurer do, and more...

STATEWIDE - We discuss the latest state news including Gov. Evers plan to expand access to dental care for low income people and fixing lead pipes throughout the Wisconsin. We welcome state treasurer and Citizen Action member Sarah Godlewski for the 2nd installment of “What the Godlewski does the state treasurer do? This time Sarah has some shocking news about censorship on climate issues. State Senator Chris Larson joins us to unveil his new package of campaign finance bills to start restoring democracy to our elections.We announce some important political endorsements, including Judge Lisa Neubauer for State Supreme Court and several key local races. We close the show with a discussion of tax cuts, the Colin Kaepernick/Black History Month controversy in the Legislature, and Gov. Evers' refreshing action on to the Paris Climate targets.

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