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Republicans Use Taxpayer Funded Private Attorneys PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Thursday, 14 March 2019 09:25

robinvosWisconsin Republicans have a fundamental problem with democracy says Hintz.

MADISON – Republican leaders in the legislature announced today they would be hiring private attorneys at taxpayer expense in a lawsuit involving Planned Parenthood and the State of Wisconsin. This comes just months after Speaker Robin Vos contracted with a private law firm, at a cost of $850,000, to defend Wisconsin’s gerrymandered maps in a case dating back to 2011.

gordon_hintzAssembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on the continued use of taxpayer dollars for private attorneys:

“The power trip the Speaker and Majority Leader are on seems endless. It’s clear they are more interested in doubling down on an ideological agenda than serving the public. This latest decision proves that a primary focus of Wisconsin Republicans is to abuse taxpayer dollars in order to undercut and undermine an Attorney General that was democratically elected by the majority of Wisconsin voters. Republicans in Wisconsin have a fundamental problem with democracy.”

Sen. Smith Celebrates Women’s History Month PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 08:39

women-3genAs we celebrate Women’s History Month, let’s make a better effort to celebrate the women in our lives says Senator.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 08:55
Critical Eyes on Foxconn - Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 09 March 2019 16:34

battleground_criticalSTATEWIDE - This week we do a deep dive on the Foxconn mess with two special guests: State Senator Chris Larson and State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff. Will we have a thriving new manufacturing hub in 2 years in Racine County, or an post-industrial ghost town? We also look at advances in civil rights in the Evers budget, including automatic voter registrations and drivers licenses for immigrants.

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Democratic Radio: A Budget for the People PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 07 March 2019 11:10

door-county-peopleMADISON - This week, Rep. Jodi Emerson (D-Eau Claire) talks about a budget that focuses on the things that matter to everyday people.

Audio File of Radio Address

jodi-emersonThis is State Representative Jodi Emerson with this week’s Democratic Address.

Every two years, the state budget lays out the priorities for Wisconsin.

It details all of the spending decisions by our state government during that period.

Last week, Governor Evers gave his first state budget address outlining his vision for Wisconsin’s future.

I was thrilled to hear about a budget that focuses on the things that matter to everyday people.

After his election, the Governor toured the state conducting listening sessions where Wisconsinites could weigh in – to be a part of the process.

These authentic conversations lead to the budget the Governor introduced. And that is why it is being touted as “The People’s Budget”.

People told the Governor they’re concerned about the quality of their drinking water - so the budget allocates $70 million dollars in bonding to remediate contaminated wells and replace lead service lines.

People told the Governor they want strong public schools – so the budget includes historic investments in K-12 public education and our UW System.

The Governor’s education plan ensures that every child, regardless of their zip code, will receive a high quality public education.

People also told the Governor they want us to fix our crumbling roads – so the budget addresses this head on with real solutions. After eight years of inaction, the people want results – not politicians offering empty promises.

And finally, the people told the Governor they need more affordable, accessible options for health care – so the budget accepts the federal Medicaid expansion dollars that Republicans have refused for nearly a decade.

This decision will allow us to cover more people AND save money. That’s a good deal for our state.

This is a budget that works for all of us.

I am hopeful that Republicans will join legislative Democrats at the table to work on this budget.

After all, it was the citizens of Wisconsin, who we represent, that helped create this vision.

Thank you.

Budget Has a Bold Vision on Clean Water, Clean Energy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Saturday, 02 March 2019 15:56

clean-drinking-waterEnvironmental advocate group says Evers’ budget tackles two of the most significant problems we face as a state, unsafe drinking water and climate change.

MADISON – With his proposed budget tonight, Gov. Tony Evers made a bold, visionary commitment to clean energy, clean water, and science-based policy.

Governor Evers’ proposed budget includes a call for Wisconsin to set a statutory goal to have all electricity produced in the state be carbon-free by 2050. It also commits resources to fight the state’s drinking water crisis on multiple fronts, and it creates an Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy at the Department of Administration.

Executive Director Kerry Schumann had this to say about Gov. Evers’ budget:

solar-panel“Gov. Evers’ budget tackles two of the most significant problems we face as a state: unsafe drinking water and climate change. His budget embraces science, sets Wisconsin on a path to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050, and combats the drinking water crisis in the state, from manure to lead to emerging contaminants like toxic firefighting foam.

kewaunee-countyOver and over, voters across the state made it clear that these are the issues that top their concerns. Tonight, Governor Evers showed that he is listening to Wisconsinites. If approved, this budget has the potential to protect Wisconsin families, create jobs, and mitigate our role in climate change. We applaud the Governor for this bold budget.

We are disappointed that Governor Evers failed to reauthorize the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program. We appreciate his plan to bring diverse stakeholders together to determine the next phase of the program but are disappointed that his budget only allocates funding for two years at current levels. We’ll work with his Administration and the entire legislature to support and enhance this important program in this budget and into the future.

We thank Gov. Evers for this bold vision for Wisconsin’s future. We look forward to working with his Administration and legislators to make this budget a reality.”


Engaging voters to protect Wisconsin's environment.

People's Budget Lays the Foundation for Our Future PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Saturday, 02 March 2019 15:38

tony-eversEducation, Health Care, and Transportation Prioritized

MADISON – Thursday night, Governor Tony Evers gave his first budget address to the Wisconsin State Legislature. In the speech, the Governor laid out his vision for the future of Wisconsin. After holding listening sessions across the state, the Administration built the biennial budget from the thoughts, values, and priorities of the people of Wisconsin. Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on the Governor’s address and the biennial budget proposal:

gordon_hintz“I thought Governor Evers knocked it out of the park tonight. This budget, the people’s budget, takes our state in a new direction. A direction that invests in the issues that matter to families across Wisconsin. It takes the first steps towards fixing our transportation infrastructure crisis. It gives Wisconsinites access to affordable, accessible health care by accepting the federal Medicaid expansion. And it works to fix the disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.”

“The Governor’s priorities are Wisconsin priorities. We know that the people overwhelmingly support our Democratic agenda. Things like redistricting reform, medical marijuana, and a tax cut for the middle class have broad, bi-partisan support. It’s time to stop the political games and work toward these policies the public wants.

“And finally, the cornerstone of this budget is a historic investment in education. From our public K-12 schools to our tech schools and UW System, the Governor knows that nothing lays the foundation for future success like world class public schools. Our students and parents deserve nothing less.

“I look forward to debating this budget, and I am hopeful that my colleagues across the aisle will listen to their constituents – the people of Wisconsin – who played such a large role in crafting this budget.”

Bowen Commends Governors’ Historic & Visionary Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Bryce Dille   
Saturday, 02 March 2019 15:27

capital-madisonwiRefreshing to See a Budget that Puts People First

MADISON - Rep. David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement in response to Gov. Evers’ first budget address Thursday evening:

david-bowen“Tonight, Governor Evers laid out a budget blueprint that finally puts the people of Wisconsin first. Under the failed leadership of the former administration, we could only watch while Scott Walker and Republicans cut necessary funding for our state and citizens while prioritizing the whims of wealthy corporations, growing poverty & the prison population exploding. For too many years, Republicans failed to adequately fund critical investments in education, health care and infrastructure all while ignoring the needs of everyday Wisconsinites.”

In his first budget address, Gov. Evers outlined a welcome and ambitious plan to not only pursue the measures outlined above, but to also legalize medicinal marijuana, provide tax relief to middle-class families, allow undocumented people access to formal identification, ensure clean drinking water for the people of Wisconsin, and take partisanship out of the redistricting process.

“I was especially pleased to see Gov. Evers’ commitment to properly fund education at two-thirds in his budget. We can lead the Federal Government to match us and recommit two-thirds funding for the whole country. While this budget is likely going to be the subject of much debate, ensuring our children’s education futures should be a point of bipartisan agreement from a Governor that was the former State Superintendent of Public Schools. I sincerely hope that my Republican colleagues can agree that the Education section of the budget should be agreed to in full.

“I look forward to working with Governor Evers, his Administration and all members of the legislature to make this budget a reality. Together, we can embody ‘What's best for our kids is what's best for our State.’”

The People’s Budget is a Win for Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Saturday, 02 March 2019 15:17

crowdFor the first time in eight years, we have a Governor that is listening to Wisconsinites says Shilling.

MADISON – After months of open discussions with community leaders, students, families and seniors, Governor Tony Evers has unveiled his 2019-2021 State Budget. Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement:

jennifer-shilling“It’s a new day in Wisconsin. For the first time in eight years, we have a Governor that is listening to Wisconsinites and connecting the dots to create a budget that reflects our values. It’s clear that this proposal isn’t a Republican budget or a Democratic budget, but the People’s Budget – a budget that restores tax fairness for working families, puts more money into local classrooms, and ensures more Wisconsinites have access to affordable health care.

“Democrats are eager to work with Gov. Evers and deliver on his promise to protect access to clean drinking water, close corporate tax loopholes, increase child care affordability and invest in 21st century infrastructure. By fixing our crumbling roads, repairing outdated bridges and expanding high-speed broadband access, we can open the door to a world of opportunities for communities across Wisconsin. This is a budget that works for everyone and tackles the tough issues that have been ignored for far too long.”

Healthcare on the March - Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 01 March 2019 12:55

healthWe talk about healthcare reform, Medicare For All, BadgerCare, and our efforts to support the Governor as he starts his new administration.

MILWAUKEE - This week progressive Democrats in Congress introduced the gold standard in healthcare reform, Medicare For All, with an impressive 100+ co-sponsors. We talk about why the bill matters despite its dim prospects for immediate passage. Turning to Wisconsin, we look at the official announcement by Governor Tony Evers that he will include BadgerCare Expansion in his first state budget.

Citizen Action members are already fully mobilized to support the Governor, holding news conferences in Appleton and Wausau and hosting 11 watch parties during Thursday night's State Budget Address. Robert educates us on the devastating potential impact of a big push by hospital lobbyists for a "private option" insurance scheme to replace BadgerCare Expansion. We review newly announced state budget provisions, including nonpartisan redistricting, freezing voucher and charter schools, and in-state tuition rates for all — regardless of immigration status. We close the show by exposing a shameful GOP effort to blackball Nicole Safar from Planned Parenthood--a previous guest on Battleground Wisconsin and friend of Citizen Action--from serving in the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Evers and Barnes on Democratic Weekly Radio PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:00

tony-evers-mandela-barnesMADISON - New Governor Tony Evers and Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes take to the air to talk about their 2019 budget.

Audio File of Radio Address

Governor Tony Evers: Hi everybody! I’m Governor Tony Evers.

Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes: And I’m Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes. We’re just one day away from releasing our 2019 budget, and we think you’re really going to like it.

Gov. Evers: Mandela and I hosted listening sessions around the state to learn about issues you wanted addressed in our budget. We took all that feedback you gave us and made sure it was incorporated as much as possible into the budget. We’ve put the finishing touches on it, and I’m proud to say that this budget was built by Wisconsinites and for Wisconsinites.

Lt. Gov. Barnes: This budget tackles some really big issues. We’re going to be making healthcare more affordable and accessible. We’re bringing science back to the Department of Natural Resources and making serious investments to combat climate change.

Gov. Evers: We’re cleaning up Wisconsin’s drinking water, we’re lowering taxes for hardworking families, and we’re funding education so all of Wisconsin’s kids have the opportunity to succeed. 

Lt. Gov. Barnes: This budget, like everything the governor and I do, is for you. We’re excited to keep listening, learning from, and working with people like all of you, as we work to make Wisconsin a more sustainable and more equitable state.

Gov. Evers: So thanks for all you've done to help us put together this budget. We can’t wait to show it to you.

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