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Democratic Radio “Make Your Voice Heard” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Thursday, 04 April 2019 15:27

tony-evers-budget-2019MADISON, WI – Senator LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

latonya-johnson“Hi, this is State Senator LaTonya Johnson.

“As the Wisconsin Legislature moves forward in the state budget process, it is important that our elected leaders have an open dialogue with residents and families across the state.

“Governor Tony Evers’ budget is about creating a Wisconsin that works for everyone – a Wisconsin for us. It prioritizes investments in healthcare, education, infrastructure, good government, criminal justice reform, and a clean environment.

“In order to provide greater opportunities for residents like you to learn about the budget and share your thoughts on the Governor’s budget proposal, the Joint Committee on Finance is hosting listening sessions throughout the state starting this week. As a State Senate Democratic member of the Joint Committee on Finance I hope you’ll share your thoughts with us and make your voice heard.

“Wisconsin Democrats remain committed to funding our public schools, developing policies that build strong family supporting jobs and finding a way, and a long-term solution to our state’s transportation crisis.

“As we move forward in the budget process it is important for citizens to weigh in and say what is important to them. Please contact you legislator and make your state budget priorities heard.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 04 April 2019 15:42
Budget Makes Critical Investments in Public Schools PDF Print E-mail
Written by LaTonya Johnson Press   
Thursday, 04 April 2019 15:02

school-bus-kidsSuperintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor puts children’s future and the needs of local schools first to members of Joint Finance Committee says Johnson.

MADISON - What zip code a child lives in should not determine what opportunities they are provided. Today, we heard from State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor who gave members of the Joint Finance Committee a chance to ask questions about the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) provisions included in the state budget.

After years of underfunding from Republican lawmakers, the governor has put our children’s future and the needs of our local schools first. We know that the people of Wisconsin, from every corner of the state, have been asking for a greater investment in our public schools. Under Walker, local taxpayers have voted in favor for $1.4 billion in referenda funding to support their schools.

latonya-johnsonThrough the years, special education support to local schools has not kept up with the needs of our children. In fact, Wisconsin provides the lowest reimbursement rate for special education in the nation. The governor invests over $600 million in special education, bringing state support for these critical state programs up to 60% by the end of the biennium. This investment supports our Wisconsin value that every child in our state should have access to a high-quality education.

Another significant investment the governor makes in his state budget proposal is in mental health care for students. According to DPI, one in five students face a mental health issue and 80% of mental health incidents go untreated. For those who do receive treatment, roughly 70% of the time it is administered at school. For these reasons, I am happy to see roughly $64 million go to mental health services for students in the state budget. This includes ensuring schools are supported in their ability to hire critical health and safety staff, such as social workers and nurses.

The Evers administration worked hard to listen to the needs and values of Wisconsinites, and that is exactly what is reflected in his state budget. I look forward to continuing this budget process in a positive, bipartisan way to ensure the People’s Budget lands on the governor’s desk for his signature into law.


Statement from State Senator LaTonya Johnson regarding Wednesday’s agency briefings in the Joint Finance Committee on Governor Tony Evers’ 2019-2021 state budget.

Nygren Wrong on State Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30   
Sunday, 31 March 2019 08:54

wisconsin-koch-industriesState Senator Dave Hansen of Green Bay responds to Rep. John Nygren’s column on the State Budget in the Marinette Eagle Herald.

Last Updated on Sunday, 31 March 2019 10:53
Wisc Democracy Campaign "Please Vote on Tue!" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 29 March 2019 10:33

wdc-logoMADISON - This coming Tuesday, April 2, is Election Day in Wisconsin, and I’m not too proud to beg: I beg you to go out and vote.

lisa-neubauerThere is a highly competitive race for Wisconsin Supreme Court between Judges Lisa Neubauer and Brian Hagedorn, and the money contest has tightened considerably, as we noted here:

brian-hagedornOutside Spending Groups Make Homestretch Push for Hagedorn

In Madison, there is a big mayoral race between Paul Soglin and Satya Rhodes-Conway.

And in La Crosse County, Vernon County, and the town of Newbold (near Rhinelander), citizens get to vote on an advisory referendum for banning gerrymandering in Wisconsin. We urge a yes vote on that one!

Here’s another reason to go vote: In spring elections, your vote has much more weight than at other times because turnout tends to be much lower. So enjoy your increased power, and throw your weight around on Tuesday.

matt-rothschildThanks for being such an active and responsible citizen.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Saturday, 30 March 2019 10:45
Democratic Radio "The Power of Your Vote" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 28 March 2019 10:16

vote_buttonsMADISON - State Representative LaKeshia Myers (D - Milwaukee) says it's important you vote next Tuesday, April 2nd and gives some links to help you do that.

Audio File of Radio Address

lakeshia-myersHello, this is Representative LaKeshia Myers with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

I'm here to remind you that the Spring General Election is on Tuesday, April 2nd.

There's something powerful about voting.

When we vote, we decide the future direction of our state.

I am asking that you not take that powerful tool for granted.

In order to make your voice heard, it is important to be aware of how, when, and what you’ll need to vote.

First, make sure you're registered.

You can check to see if you’re currently registered, if not, you can register at your local clerk’s office during business hours or at your polling place on Election Day.

Second, you need to make sure you have the proper ID needed to vote.

Go to to find out the acceptable forms of identification.

If you need a free ID to vote - take proof of identity, proof of residency, proof of citizenship, and social security card to your local DMV.

And finally, polls are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm. So make a plan for “how” and “when” you will get to vote.

Your vote is your voice. Make sure you are heard on Tuesday, April 2nd. Don’t forget to vote.

"Scott Walker Alert" Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 22 March 2019 15:05

walkeralertMILWAUKEE - This week we welcome Rebecca back! We discuss why Scott Walker is out touting a constitutional convention and the ramifications of such an event.

The panel also discusses some of the bubbling-up 2020 electoral issues such as dumping the Electoral College, high school students fighting climate change, healthcare, student debt relief and much, much more.

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Last Updated on Monday, 25 March 2019 15:13
Democratic Radio "It’s time to expand Medicaid and put Wisconsinites first" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 21 March 2019 21:46

health_care_dayMADISON, WI – Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting the benefits of Governor Evers’ plan to accept the federal funds available to expand Medicaid for 82,000 people in Wisconsin. 

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

jon-erpenbachA written transcript of the address is below: 

“Hi, this is state Senator Jon Erpenbach.

“Governor Evers is proposing a Medicaid Expansion in his state budget that will provide 82,000 Wisconsinites with quality affordable health care while saving the state 300 million dollars.

“Expanded Medicaid, and that money, means:

·         We can lower the cost of prescription drugs.

·         We can increase the reimbursement rates to nursing homes who are closing their doors around the state.

·         We can eliminate the waiting list for the children’s long term support program.

·         We can also properly address the opioid and meth epidemic in Wisconsin.

·         And, we can expand and create programs focused on tobacco prevention, dental initiatives, and infant mortality prevention.

“For our communities this is not a partisan issue. A recent Marquette poll shows that accepting federal Medicaid expansion is support by 62 percent of Wisconsinites, yet Republicans ignore their wishes – that means we’ve missed out on 1.1 billion dollars so far.

“It is time for Wisconsin to join 37 others states in accepting the Medicaid expansion and putting Wisconsinites first.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 March 2019 21:54
Sen. Smith: “You be the Judge of the Budget” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 20 March 2019 08:06

crowdSen. Jeff Smith will hosting nine budget listening sessions in northwestern Wisconsin in March and April.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 March 2019 08:32
"The Mandela Barnes interview” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 15 March 2019 16:22

wc1du0STATEWIDE - We welcome Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes to discuss his first couple of months in the office and the his vision for creating opportunity in Wisconsin over the next few years.

In our third installment of Sarah “what the Godlewski does the state treasurer do?” We review her effort to help UW system graduates refinance their student loan debt and GOP State Rep. Michael Schraa failing to honor his promise to sponsor legislation to put some authority and power back into the state treasurer's office.

We talk about Congressman Mark Pocan’s threat to sue ICE for records related to Wisconsin arrests last year; GOP Legislative leaders plan to intervene in Planned Parenthood case challenging abortion laws; Wisconsin is now the top 2020 battleground state; and State Sen. Dale Kooyenga says he will consider supporting accepting the federal money to expand BadgerCare.

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Democratic Radio: Investment in Special Needs Education Must be a Priority PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 14 March 2019 15:33

school-bus-kidsMADISON - This week Rep. Sondy Pope (D - Mt. Horeb) talks about our investment in special needs education.

Audio File of Radio Address

sondy-popeHi, this is Representative Sondy Pope with this week’s Democratic Address.

In his budget, Governor Evers makes a historic investment in special needs education.

His proposal would increase funding by $600 million over the next two years.

According to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the primary special education fund has not been increased in a decade, despite skyrocketing costs.

Currently, the state covers 25% of special education costs to schools districts. The Governor’s proposal would increase that investment to 60%.

This increased funding will take the pressure off our local districts financially and free up additional resources.

Here’s the bottom line: All students should have equal access to a high quality education. The Governor’s plan is rooted in this reality.

It is disappointing to hear that Republicans are not supportive of this additional investment.

One Republican legislator stated the Governor’s special needs plan was “a big number”.

We know by now the Republican track record.

They’re fine spending millions of dollars in tax breaks for corporations and billionaires. They’re fine spending billions of dollars on the largest tax giveaway to a foreign corporation in our country’s history.

But when it comes to our children, they hesitate, saying the cost is more than our state can bear.

Democrats see it differently. We MUST invest in our kids – the future leaders of our state.

After years of Republicans failing to prioritize public education, I am thrilled to see our Governor working toward what is best for our kids and what is best for our state.

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