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Hintz on Campus Events at UW Oshkosh PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Tuesday, 30 April 2019 08:46

roof-flagState Representative appreciates the leadership of Chancellor Leavitt and all those who confront racism and bigotry while pushing for a more inclusive, tolerant, and respectful community.

MADISON – Last Thursday, pictures from a party on the UW Oshkosh campus depicting racist words and images were posted on social media. In response, Chancellor Andrew Leavitt sent an email responding to this incident to the entire campus and called for a meeting Friday at Reeve Memorial Union.

Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement regarding these events on campus:

gordon_hintz“Racism has no place on campus or in our community. The hateful words and symbols these students used are contrary to everything UW Oshkosh stands for. As an ally of the students harmed by these events, I hear you and will work with you to improve our campus climate.

“I appreciate the leadership of Chancellor Leavitt and all those who confront racism and bigotry while pushing for a more inclusive, tolerant, and respectful campus, community and world.”

Democratic Radio: Earth Day and Wisconsin’s Environmental Legacy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 25 April 2019 15:36

clean-drinking-waterMADISON - This week, Green Bay's own Rep. Staush Gruszynski talks about Earth Day and our state’s reputation as a leader for conservation.

Audio File of Radio Address

staush-gruszynskiHello, this is Representative Staush Gruszynski with this week’s Democratic Address.

Earlier this week, we celebrated Earth Day in Wisconsin and around the world.

Wisconsin’s own Gaylord Nelson created this national day of action back in 1970 – solidifying our state’s reputation as a leader for conservation.

Our state cherishes this rich history of defending and preserving Wisconsin's water, air, and public lands.

We know that access to clean water at our taps and clean air to breathe are essential to the quality of life we enjoy here.

Wisconsin’s natural resources are also a key driving force behind the success of our tourism and outdoor recreation industries and broader economic development statewide.

But our responsibility for conserving and protecting our natural resources is not limited to one day.

As we confront today’s environmental challenges, we need to look to Wisconsin conservation icons like Gaylord Nelson and Aldo Leopold, but we also need to look forward, to future generations that we will never meet.

We need to recognize that our actions today are directly linked to the world that we leave behind.

As we reflect on Earth Day, let us also commit to doing our part to ensure that our environmental legacy is one worth celebrating.

Last Updated on Monday, 29 April 2019 13:43
Earth Day Should Be Every Day PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 24 April 2019 06:17

earth-dayIn honor of Earth Day, Sen. Smith highlights the importance of taking part in efforts to combat climate change. Now more than ever, it’s important to pay attention to the environment around us for future generations to enjoy.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 15:28
“Foxconn reality check” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 19 April 2019 15:55

foxconn-reality-check-bgwRep. Jonathon Brostoff joins the panel to discuss Foxconn, and more...

MILWAUKEE - We are joined by state representative Jonathon Brostoff to discuss Gov. Evers’ conclusion that Foxconn is unlikely to hire 13,000 workers and his decision to renegotiate the contract. We review the new UW-Madison study that found accepting Medicaid money would save state residents $100 million a year, on top of savings to the state savings. We also talk about the Trump MAGA rally coming to Green Bay, the Koch Brothers' “astroturf” state budget campaign, and Congressman Sean Duffy dishonestly sneering at the Green New Deal.

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Most Dangerous Thing about Marijuana in Wisconsin is that it is Illegal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 19 April 2019 09:16

marijuana-farmState Legislator says we need to stop turning marijuana users into criminals, introduces bill to fully legalize marijuana in Wisconsin.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 April 2019 09:41
Democratic Radio: “Wisconsin Supports Key Provisions of Gov. Evers’ Budget” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Thursday, 18 April 2019 15:26

school-meeting-crowdMarquette Law School Poll shows the majority of Wisconsinites continue to support key provisions of Gov. Evers’ budget.

MADISON, WI – Senator Mark Miller (D-Madison) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting overwhelming public support for key provisions in Gov. Evers’ 2019-2021 budget proposal.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

mark-miller“Hello, I am State Senator Mark Miller with this week’s Democratic radio address.

“The latest Marquette Law School Poll shows the majority of Wisconsinites continue to support key provisions of Governor Tony Evers’ 2019-2021 state budget proposal.

“74 percent of voters support a major increase in state aid for special education, 70 percent agree the state should accept federal funds to expand Medicaid coverage, and more than half of voters support an increase in the minimum wage.

“Additionally, 71 percent of voters favor eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and 65 percent support allowing offenders to petition judges to expunge or clear their record after their sentences are completed in cases of nonviolent, lower-level offenses. Expanding job training for prisoners is supported by 88 percent, and the increased use of treatment programs and of alternatives to jail for offenders with drug or alcohol issues is supported by 78 percent of voters.

“As the governor has said, this budget is about creating a Wisconsin that works for everyone. This isn’t the Tony Evers budget, the Democratic budget or the Republican budget—the support from people around the state is proof positive that this is the People’s Budget.

“The people want to see politicians on both sides of the aisle working together to find common sense solutions to long neglected issues like health care, public school funding, and prison overcrowding.

"The time is now for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to respect the will of the people and work with Democrats to pass Governor Evers budget.”

Wisc Democracy Campaign "Hindsight on Wis Supreme Court" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 12 April 2019 14:55

wdc-logoMADISON - Now that Judge Neubauer has conceded defeat, I wanted to take a second to give you my 20-20 hindsight on the race.

She wasn’t outspent by the outside groups, as we show here:

Special Interests Doled Out $4.3M in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

But my theory is that a lot of the ads by Greater Wisconsin and other pro-Neubauer groups actually served to turn out the vote for Judge Hagedorn, since they stressed how anti-gay and anti-abortion he is. This motivated the social conservatives to go out and vote for him!

Turnout was 26.6 percent. In off-season, low-turnout races, the highly motivated one-issue voter has more influence than, say, in presidential races. Wisconsin Right to Life and the NRA appear to have gotten their folks out, with some unwitting help from Neubauer’s outside groups. And rightwing talk radio may also have played a part, as well.

April 2 brought some good news: The momentum for banning gerrymandering keeps gaining speed:

3 More Wins for Banning Gerrymandering in Wisconsin

I was thrilled to see these wins, as I participated on a panel in La Crosse in late March on this issue, and I spoke in the Town of Newbold on it, as well. Congratulations to all the grassroots activists who made these victories possible!

Last week, I also went up to Wausau, this time to give a talk on the history of voter suppression, and what to do about it. Here’s the text. I hope you like it:

The Fight Against Voter Suppression

matt-rothschildIn the days aweeks ahead, we’ll be pushing for more pro-democracy reforms. I hope you’ll support us in this urgent work.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you like the work we’re doing, please send a tax-deductible donation to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign by clicking here or by mailing a check, the old-fashioned way, to 203 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison WI 53703 Thanks for your support!

“Treasurer Godlewski’s Budget” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 12 April 2019 09:50

29dxqojPanel talks of Godlewski's request for the resources needed to properly run the office, her plans to create a state-run retirement public option and opportunities to refinancing student loan debt, and more...

MILWAUKEE - In the latest episode of our What the Godlewski does the State Treasurer do? segment, we discuss her state budget request for the resources needed to properly run the office. We also discuss Godlweski's plans to create a state-run retirement public option and opportunities to refinancing student loan debt.

We review the week’s news including: Judge Lisa Neubauer concession in the hotly contested Supreme Court race; an Appeals court sides with Governor Evers on appointments; and Sen  Tammy Baldwin joins Sen. Bernie Sanders in introducing a new Medicare for All bill with a record 13 co-sponsors. We also review the top issues raised during the first 2 Joint Finance Committee public budget hearings in Janesville and Oak Creek, and debrief the latest MU Law poll finding of 70% support for expanding BadgerCare.

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Last Updated on Friday, 12 April 2019 10:14
Democratic Radio “It is Time for Wisconsin to Accept the Medicaid Expansion” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 12 April 2019 09:37

medicaid_checkupMADISON - This week, Rep. Dianne Hesselbein (D - Middleton) talks about the positive impacts Medicaid expansion would have on our state.

Audio File of Radio Address

dianne-hesselbeinHello, this is Representative Dianne Hesselbein with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Governor Evers’ has introduced “The People’s Budget”.

So it’s no surprise the most recent Marquette poll showed that 70% of Wisconsinites support the Medicaid Expansion – a cornerstone of the Governor’s budget proposal.

Unfortunately, since 2014 Republicans have refused to do the right thing and accept these funds.

Let me give you a quick reminder about the positive impacts Medicaid expansion would have on our state.

Over 80,000 people across Wisconsin would gain access to affordable health coverage under BadgerCare. Insuring more people means healthier families and a healthier workforce.

Accepting the expansion is also the fiscally responsible thing to do for our state. It would save $324 million dollars for Wisconsin taxpayers.

Medicaid expansion also helps address the opioid crisis.

Low-income adults are an especially high-risk population that are more likely to be uninsured and vulnerable to opioid abuse. Governor Evers’ budget proposes assisting all individuals in crisis, including those in need of substance abuse treatment.

Finally, Medicaid expansion is the right thing to do for our rural communities.

Studies have proven there is a direct correlation between states that have expanded Medicaid and the ability of rural hospitals to stay open in those states due to increased reimbursement rates.

While Republicans have blocked Medicaid expansion at every turn, it’s never too late to do the right thing.

Wisconsin Democrats stand with the people of Wisconsin who overwhelmingly want us to accept the Medicaid expansion.

“Purple” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 05 April 2019 12:57

purplePanel talks about spring election results, public schools in Milwaukee, the state budget battle, and more...

MILWAUKEE, WI - We review this week’s spring election results which saw new progressive gains in cities and a conservative voter surge behind right-wing Judge Hagedorn. We talk about the historic victory for public schools in Milwaukee and election of young progressive mayors in Green Bay, Oshkosh and Madison. We dissect the disappointing Supreme Court result and its implication for the court and the 2020 elections. We close by previewing the state budget battle which commences with Joint Finance Committee public hearings Friday in Janesville.

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